Stories – Research

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Niendorf and Prof. Dr. Tobias Pischon head the MRI examinations of the GNC

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Niendorf and Prof. Dr. Tobias Pischon head the MRI examinations of the GNC Why do some people get sick while others remain healthy? Which risk factors and protective mechanisms contribute to this? The large-scale German National Cohort (GNC) Health Study makes it possible to investigate in a whole new dimension which

Professor Thomas Blankenstein and Dr. Martin Vaegler are developing a new cancer treatment

Professor Thomas Blankenstein and Dr. Martin Vaegler are developing a new cancer treatment The human immune system is trained to distinguish between “self” and “non-self” and to destroy foreign structures. By means of anchor molecules (receptors) of T cells, it recognizes antigens of bacteria or viruses and thus can target and

Professor Simone Spuler, MD, and Dr. Stefan Kempa explore rare muscle disorders

Professor Simone Spuler, MD, and Dr. Stefan Kempa explore rare muscle disorders In many cases, it is not yet possible to treat muscle disorders because the causes of muscle loss (dystrophy) have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. This is true for the around 400 genetic muscle diseases, each of which is rare, but also for

Dr. Leif Schröder detects cancer cells with the aid of a noble gas

Dr. Leif Schröder detects cancer cells with the aid of a noble gas To make cancer cells visible for diagnosis, the medical physicist Dr. Leif Schröder uses the same xenon gas for his research that is used in the headlights of modern cars. The brightness factor of the gas plays an important role, and the gas is magnetically altered by laser. In combination with molecules

Nicole Folesky organizes the workflow in 11 university outpatient units of the Charité

Nicole Folesky organizes the workflow in 11 university outpatient units of the Charité Care manager Nicole Folesky organizes the smooth operation of the various university outpatient units on Campus Berlin-Buch – a place where clinical research and basic research are closely intertwined. The university outpatient units are part of

News Leben

Neues Wohnen im Ludwig Hoffmann Quartier

Im Ludwig Hoffmann Quartier entstehen bis 2027 Mikroapartments, Mietwohnungen und ein Wohnhaus für Senioren. buchinside sprach mit Projektentwickler Andreas Dahlke

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Rad-Saison startete erfolgreich mit den Campus Bike Days

Wie steht es technisch um mein Rad? Ist es ergonomisch gut eingestellt und sicher? Wie optimiere ich meine Fahrweise? – Diese Fragen standen im Mittelpunkt der Campus Bike Days auf dem Campus Berlin-B...

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„Dörfer des Nordens“ – Individuell erlebbare Touren durch die Dörfer von Pankow und Reinickendorf präsentiert

Bei einer feierlichen Präsentation stellten heute die Bezirksbürgermeisterinnen von Reinickendorf, Emine Demirbüken-Wegner, und von Pankow, Dr. Cordelia Koch die neuen Tourenpläne „Dörfer des Nordens“...

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Events Buch Berlin

16.05.2024, 17:00
Talk im Cube: "Sustainable Practices in Life Sciences - A Panel Discussion" (in English)

This panel will delve into the evolving landscape of sustainability in life sciences, exploring strategies for academic institutions, start-ups, biotech and pharmaceutical companies to navigate regula...

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16.05.2024, 17:00
Silent Disco im Bürgerhaus

für Jung und Alt

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16.05.2024, 17:00
Abendliche Vogeltour im Hobrechtswald

Mit der Volkshochschule und Katja Becker durch die Kulturlandschaft der ehemaligen Rieselfelder im Revier Buch - einem Hotspot der Vogelwelt

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