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Research / 10.07.2024

Overview News

News Buch Berlin

A new culprit in Huntington’s disease

Researchers in Berlin and Düsseldorf have implicated a new gene in the progression of Huntington’s disease in a brain organoid model. The gene may contribute to brain abnormalities much earlier than p...

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Eckert & Ziegler opens new facilities for radiopharmaceutical plant engineering in Dresden

In the presence of the Saxon State Ministers Martin Dulig and Thomas Schmidt as well as the Mayor of Dresden Dirk Hilbert, the medical technology company Eckert & Ziegler today inaugurated its new 1,7...

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Surprising mechanism of lupus kidney damage identified

A team led by Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, German Rheumatology Research Center and the Max Delbrück Center have defined key cells behind severe kidney damage in lupus. The research, published...

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Events Buch Berlin

18.09.2024, 16:00
World CleanUp Days 2024: Aktion "Buch putzt sich"

Gemeinsam Gutes tun und den Ort verschönern...

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18.09.2024, 18:00
Infoabend-Reihe zum Thema Energie in der Stadtbibliothek Buch: Heizung und Wärmepumpe

Kostenlose Veranstaltung der Leitstelle Klimaschutz des Bezirksamts Pankow in Kooperation mit der Verbraucherzentrale Berlin

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19.09.2024, 17:00
Talk im Cube: Panel Discussion "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Development Strategies for Life Science Start-Ups"

Continue to grow independently or merge with a larger company? In the highly competitive life science industry start-up companies often face during their development this important strategic decision....

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