patient care

patient care

The health care location has long been a leader in medical care in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch provides maximum care of the highest medical and patient-care standard with more than 1,000 beds in 25 clinics  and centers and 6 institutes, closely linked to outpatient care in the HELIOS polyclinic, the specialized outpatient clinics and the specialized interdisciplinary clinics .

Two specialty hospitals have a long tradition in Buch: Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin, which is specialized in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, and the Evangelische Lungenklinik Berlin.

Patients in clinical trials can directly benefit from the findings of basic medical research conducted in Berlin-Buch. The Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC) of the Charité and the MDC tests new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for diseases of the metabolism, the cardiovascular system, the autonomic nervous system and for cancer. In addition, the Charité operates university outpatient units in the ECRC, e. g. for muscular and neuro-immunological diseases.

Physicians in approximately 50 specialized medical practices in Buch and patient care services such as RENAFAN ServiceLeben cooperate closely with the clinics. A broad spectrum of health care services including home health care, physiotherapy and a Qi Gong school are located in Buch.

News patient care

Inequality raises disease risk, especially for women

A study led by researchers at the Max Delbrück Center has found that low socioeconomic status raises the risk of cardiovascular disease in women more so than in men. The study underlines the importanc...

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“Jugend forscht” at Campus Berlin-Buch

From better 3D printers for biological structures to soil remediation with microorganisms – in the 60th round of “Jugend forscht,” regional students presented their exciting research projects on the B...

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Not all heart inflammation is the same

A group of Berlin researchers in collaboration with international scientists have found differences in heart inflammation caused by COVID-19, anti-COVID-19 vaccination, and non-COVID-19 myocarditis. T...

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Events patient care

03.04.2025, 08:30
Von Technik bis OP: Berufe im Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch am Girls‘ Day hautnah erleben

Du erhältst die Möglichkeit dich über die Berufsbilder zu informieren, im Rahmen eines Rundgangs durch unser Klinikum verschiedene Stationen kennenzulernen und bei einer Rallye dein Können unter Bewei...

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11.04.2025, 17:00
Campus Konzert „Meisterhafte Musik“ mit Nachwuchstalenten der Internationalen Musikakademie

Junge Talente zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren spielen Werke für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier von Beethoven, Chopin, Bruch, Liszt, Elgar und anderen.

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29.04.2025, 14:00
Stadtteilbibliothek Buch: Was genau ist die elektronische Patientenakte, kurz ePA?

Was genau ist die elektronische Patientenakte? Was beinhaltet sie? Kann ich sie auch nicht haben? Diese und viele weitere Fragen können direkt an Expertinnen gestellt werden.

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