Innovation / 27.03.2025
Eckert & Ziegler: Record year 2024 with new all-time highs
Eckert & Ziegler SE (ISIN DE0005659700, TecDAX) achieved a new record in the 2024 financial year with sales of € 295.8 million based on the preliminary annual financial statements*. Compared to the previous year, sales increased by almost € 50 million (+20%). EBIT before special items from continuing operations (adjusted EBIT) rose by around € 19.0 million to € 65.9 million (+40%) compared to the previous year. Net income increased by € 7.0 million (+27%) to € 33.3 million, corresponding to earnings per share of € 1.60.
In the Medical segment, sales increased by € 33.2 million (+29%) to € 148.4 million. The growth in sales was driven in particular by strong demand in radiopharmaceuticals.
The Isotope Products segment generated sales of € 147.5 million, an increase of € 16.6 million (+13%) compared to the previous year. This rise is attributable to both annual price adjustments and volume effects.
For the 2025 financial year, the Executive Board expects sales of around € 320 million and EBIT from continuing operations before special items (adjusted EBIT) of around € 78 million. The forecast is based on a weighted average exchange rate of USD 1.05 per euro.
* The presentation of the final audited and approved annual financial statements will follow a few days later, solely due to the outstanding technical ESEF tagging, which will take additional time due to the cyber-attack in February 2025. The Executive Board's proposal on the appropriation of the net profit and a corresponding resolution by the Supervisory Board will be made promptly and in the context of the Supervisory Board's balance sheet meeting on the annual financial statements for the 2024 financial year.
The preliminary 2024 financial statements can be found here:
About Eckert & Ziegler.
Eckert & Ziegler SE with more than 1.000 employees is a leading specialist for isotope-related components in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
Research / 17.03.2025
Inflammatory messenger fuels Alzheimer’s

Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center have detailed the precise mechanism through which the inflammatory signaling molecule IL-12 contributes to Alzheimer’s disease. The study was published in the journal “Nature Aging.”
Joint press pelease of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center
Microglia, the brain’s immune cells, usually serve as diligent guardians. They eliminate intruders such as microbes and clear away cellular debris – including the plaques typical of Alzheimer’s disease. However, as our brains age, microglia also change. While some continue to function effectively, others gradually lose their protective role and start secreting small amounts of inflammatory messengers.
One such messenger is interleukin-12 (IL-12). Through meticulous analyses, research teams led by Professor Frank Heppner, Director of the Department of Neuropathology at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky, Director of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology at the Max Delbrück Center (MDC-BIMSB), along with additional partners, have identified how IL-12 might trigger and accelerate Alzheimer’s dementia. Their study, published in “Nature Aging,” could pave the way for new combination therapies.
“For decades, Alzheimer’s research focused almost exclusively on amyloid-beta and tau deposits, while inflammation was considered a side effect,” says Heppner. “Only recently have we begun to recognize that inflammatory processes may be a primary driver of disease progression.” In 2012, Heppner’s lab reported in Nature Medicine that blocking IL-12 and IL-23 significantly reduced Alzheimer’s-related brain changes in mice. “But we couldn’t unravel the underlying mechanism with standard techniques,” Heppner explains. He reasoned that single cell analyses might provide more decisive clues, so he asked Rajewsky to collaborate.
Sticky and tangled brain cells
Throughout life, cells refer to their genetic instructions to respond to external stimuli. Researchers use single-cell analyses to observe this process, reconstructing which genes are being read and translated into proteins in thousands of individual cells simultaneously. These analyses generate massive datasets, which can now be analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, a major challenge in using single cell sequencing technology is isolating individual cells from a tissue sample without damaging them or causing unintended changes. “In aging mouse brains – especially those with Alzheimer’s plaques – cells are so stuck together and tangled that separating them cleanly is nearly impossible,” Rajewsky explains.
His team spent several years perfecting a workaround. Instead of isolating entire cells, they extract cell nuclei from brain tissue and analyze the RNA present in each cell. By cross-referencing with publicly available data, such as the Allen Brain Atlas, they can ensure that their method provides a representative snapshot of all cell populations. For the present study, they sequenced RNA from over 80,000 cell nuclei and developed specialized workflows to process the data. They also reconstructed communication between cells. “Our teams repeatedly sat together to try to interpret this highly complex data,” Rajewsky says. “This painstaking early optimization was crucial – without it, we would not have been able to detect these connections.”
How IL-12 damages the Alzheimer’s brain
IL-12, previously known primarily for its role in autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, appears to play a pivotal role in Alzheimer’s progression. It damages two key brain cell types: mature oligodendrocytes, which normally produce myelin – the fatty insulating layer around nerve fibers essential for rapid signal transmission; and interneurons, which are particularly important for cognition and memory. IL-12 binding to interneurons causes them to die. A vicious circle begins: As more microglia produce IL-12, more brain cells sustain damage. Meanwhile, remaining functional microglia become overburdened by the task of clearing the additional cellular debris, and thus fail to remove Alzheimer’s plaques.
To verify this mechanism, researchers tested it in mice and in human tissue. When Heppner's team blocked IL-12 in cell cultures and mouse models, they could stem disease-related changes. Electron micrographs of mouse brain tissue taken at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen also showed how myelin structure and nerve fiber density changed depending on whether the IL-12 signaling pathway was present or absent. Mass spectrometric analyses (lipidomics) at the University of Zurich confirmed the altered composition of the fat-rich insulating layer. Study of autopsy tissue from Alzheimer's patients provided further confirmation of the results – the more advanced the disease, the more IL-12 was present in the tissue. Cell cultures with human oligodendrocytes were also extremely sensitive to IL-12.
Potential combination therapy
“We now have a highly detailed picture of this mechanism, with single-cell technologies serving as a crucial catalyst. The only remaining question is which cell type IL-12 impacts first – oligodendrocytes, interneurons, or both simultaneously,” says Heppner, who is also Group Leader in Neuroimmunology at the Deutschen Zentrums für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE).
The study has immediate implications as there are already drugs on the market that block IL-12. The researchers hope that clinicians will build on their findings and initiate clinical trials. “If these drugs prove effective, they would be a new arrow in the quiver. Alzheimer's doesn't just have one cause. One axis of the disease is also controlled by the immune system, at least in some patients. Slowing neurodegeneration will require combination therapy,” Heppner emphasizes. Such an approach could start early in the disease process, as IL-12 can be measured in blood or cerebrospinal fluid, he adds.
Meanwhile, the teams at Charité and the Max Delbrück Center are exploring a new hypothesis: Could microplastic in the brain drive microglia to produce IL-12? “Microglia may struggle to process microplastic, triggering inflammatory reactions,” Rajewsky suggests. “This could reveal a link between environmental factors and widespread diseases.” While unproven, both teams consider it a compelling and important research direction.
Further information
- N. Rajewsky Lab
- Systems Biology of Gene Regulatory Elements
- Heppner lab
- Press release on Nature Medicine study from 2012
Research, Patient care / 07.03.2025
Inequality raises disease risk, especially for women
A study led by researchers at the Max Delbrück Center has found that low socioeconomic status raises the risk of cardiovascular disease in women more so than in men. The study underlines the importance of gender-specific prevention.
A growing number of studies are reporting gender differences in diseases such as stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure. “It is known from previous studies that a lower socioeconomic status is associated with a higher cardiovascular risk. The relationship between social status and the cardiovascular risk profile, and in particular whether this relationship differs between men and women, has been insufficiently researched in Germany to date,” says Professor Dr. Tobias Pischon, an author of the publication and member of the Board of Directors of NAKO e.V. The German National Cohort (NAKO) is Germany's largest long-term study on the development of diseases.
The researchers analyzed data from 204,780 participants in the NAKO collected between 2014-2019 – 50% of the participants are women. The analysis was based on self-reported information on socioeconomic factors such as education, income and employment status, the use of antihypertensive medication, chronic cardiovascular and metabolic conditions, lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as measured values from medical examinations at the NAKO study centers, such as blood pressure, blood test results and other measurements. The scientists took various other factors into account in the calculations.
Heart attack, high blood pressure, overweight
The study found that women with low socioeconomic status were more likely to have an adverse cardiovascular risk profile compared to a comparable group of men and women with high socioeconomic status. “In women compared with men, low socioeconomic status was more strongly associated with myocardial infarction, hypertension, obesity, use of antihypertensive medication and risky alcohol consumption, but – in contrast to men – less strongly associated with active or former smoking,” says Dr. Ilais Moreno Velásquez, scientist at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin-Buch and lead author of the study. In addition, “compared to those with a high socioeconomic status, women with low education and income had higher odds of a high 10-year risk of cardiovascular events than men of comparable socioeconomic status.”
Pischon and his team plan to investigate the correlations further: “In our current evaluation, we have estimated the risk of future cardiovascular events on the basis of internationally established algorithms. With the many scientifically valuable data that we are gaining from the NAKO study through repeated examination of study participants, we will be able to check these results in the future with regard to newly diagnosed cardiovascular diseases. Overall, however, our results already indicate that the risk of cardiovascular disease in women is more strongly dependent on social status than in men. For our health policy in Germany, this underscores the importance of taking social inequalities into account in cardiovascular disease prevention strategies,” says Pischon.
Research / 05.03.2025
New treatment approach for rare blood cancer of the skin

Researchers from Medical University of Vienna, Charité Berlin and Max Delbrück Center have identified the CD74 protein as a new drug target to treat deadly skin lymphoma. The study was published in the “British Journal of Dermatology.”
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a rare form of blood cancer that primarily affects the skin. In Europe, the disease is diagnosed in about 0.5 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Advanced stages are associated with a poor prognosis and quality of life.
A team of researchers led by Professor Olaf Merkel in the Department of Experimental Pathology at Medical University of Vienna and Professor Stephan Mathas at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center, a joint institution of the Max Delbrück Center and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, points to CD74 protein as a promising new target for innovative therapies to treat CTCL. In a preclinical model, the researchers showed that so-called antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), which specifically bind to CD74, can effectively kill CTCL cells.
New therapeutic approach for a difficult-to-treat disease
Although monoclonal antibodies and ADCs are already successfully being used to induce remission in CTCL patients, existing treatments do not provide a cure. ADCs that target CD74 offer a potentially new treatment approach. The research team showed that CD74 is strongly and consistently expressed in various CTCL subtypes, including particularly difficult-to-treat forms such as Sézary syndrome and advanced stages of mycosis fungoides.
“Our results show that CD74 is not only an attractive target molecule for antibody therapy, but that its blockade can lead to complete tumor eradication in preclinical models,” says Merkel. It is particularly noteworthy that the treatment was highly effective even in TP53-defective CTCL cells - an aspect of great clinical relevance. TP53 is an important tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in many cancers.
The basis for future clinical studies
The study findings provide a solid basis for further developing new antibody-based treatments that target CD74 and pave the way for clinical trials. “Our results open up new perspectives for the treatment of CTCL patients who currently have inadequate treatment options,” add the study authors.
The researchers see CD74-targeted therapy as an especially promising approach to improve treatment for patients with advanced CTCL, who currently have very limited options.
Research, Innovation, Patient care, Education / 03.03.2025
“Jugend forscht” at Campus Berlin-Buch

From better 3D printers for biological structures to soil remediation with microorganisms – in the 60th round of “Jugend forscht,” regional students presented their exciting research projects on the Berlin-Buch campus.
“Turn questions into answers” – this challenge inspired many Berlin students to once again participate in the nationwide “Jugend forscht” and “Jugend forscht Junior” competitions. At sponsor institution Campus Berlin-Buch, 37 projects from a total of 84 were on display. On February 26, young researchers presented their projects to the jury and to the public. Participants also had the chance to visit laboratories at the Max Delbrück Center, the Leibniz Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, and the biotech company FyoniBio. Additionally, they conducted hands-on experiments in two workshops at the Gläsernes Labor student lab.
Students aged 10 to 18 participated in the competition, exploring a wide range of exciting and practical research questions such as: How can AI and stenography improve keyboards, whether bacteria or fungi can help clean copper-contaminated soil, and how to build an affordable 3D printer for research projects involving cell structure. Other topics included developing an environmentally friendly alternative to glow sticks, finding solutions to remove pollutants and plastic from plants, testing coffee grounds as a substitute for traditional fertilizers, and analyzing how slime molds react to heat. Former national Jugend forscht winner Alois Bachmann competed again in the Mathematics/Informatics category with his project “The next GENErAltion – deciphering transcription factors with AI.” And Amelie Stadermann once again won a regional victory in biology in the Jugend forscht category — she won an award last year in the Junior category.
At the award ceremony, Kirstin Bodensieck, acting Administrative Director of the Max Delbrück Center, welcomed the participants: “You have set out to find answers to research questions that are important to society — whether in biology, technology, or sustainability. Each project and your dedication to science are remarkable and have helped make our world a little more understandable. Just like the scientists on our campus who tackle urgent health questions to better understand and treat diseases.”
Bodensieck encouraged the young researchers to stay curious: “Why not pursue a career in science one day? Feel free to reach out to us, take a look at the everyday life of researchers, and seize the opportunity for a future as a scientist.”
Award ceremony and special prizes
The jury awarded nine first-place prizes – seven in the Jugend forscht category and two in the Jugend forscht Junior category. The winners will have the opportunity to advance to the state competition held at the Technical University of Berlin.
In addition to first through third place prize winners, special awards recognized achievements in areas such as Resource Efficiency, Environmental Technology, and Renewable Raw Materials. Some winners received exclusive invitations to visit the Berlin-Buch campus, the Free University campus, or the DESY research laboratory.
The three outstanding projects that won the special prize are:
- Biology: “Substrates in NFT Aquaponics – A Comparative Study” by Jan Brüggemann, Luca Wroblewski, and Hannes Schweizer (Martin-Buber-Oberschule)
- Mathematics/Informatics: “Can synthetically generated training data improve AI object recognition models?” by Tom Smee (Nelson-Mandela-Schule)
- Technology: “A low-cost bioprinter for printing structures from biocompatible materials” by Rufus Dreger (John-Lennon-Gymnasium)
Additionally, Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH awarded a special prize for outstanding commitment in the Jugend forscht category to project mentor Sascha Werner from Kurt-Tucholsky-Oberschule.
“We are always impressed by the dedication students bring to their projects. Jugend forscht inspires young people to engage with STEM subjects, learn scientific methods, and to fiddle with and to stick to scientific research,” says Dr. Ulrich Scheller. “A big thank you also goes to our volunteer jury, whose members provided valuable motivation and guidance for the young researchers.”
We congratulate the winners of the regional competition at Campus Berlin-Buch!
Vibbodh Somani, Yamahn Tanjour, Sarah Ali
“Creating More Efficient Keyboards with AI and Stenography”
Best Interdisciplinary Project (Workplace)
Youanna Banjamin, Johann Bredemeyer, Paul Bierbüße
“Device for Assessing Motor Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence”
Lilja Gemballa, Liese Kalklösch, Frederik Maass
“Nurturing Coffee”
Amelie Stadermann, Cosima Tödt
Europäisches Gymnasium Bertha-von-Suttner
“Physiological Stress Memory? The Slime Mold During and After Temperature Stress”
Leo Heinkelmann, Ella Bahat Treidel, Kjell Wenzel (Jugend forscht junior)
“Bacteria vs. Fungi – Comparing Microorganisms for Copper-Contaminated Soil Remediation”
Josephine Kosin, Stella Maria Blöbaum, Frederik Bär
“NatürLICHT – The Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Glow Sticks”
Tim Gies, Emilia Schröter, Theodor Rauschning (Jugend forscht junior)
Grundschule am Tegelschen Ort
“Cola against Rust – Does the Type of Soda Make a Difference?”
Tom Smee
“Can Synthetically Generated Training Data Improve AI Object Recognition Models?”
Victor Güsmar
“Angles of View in the Plane”
Vibbodh Somani, Bhuvana Reddi, Kerem Semiz
“Acceleration of Water Rockets”
Further information
Research, Patient care / 25.02.2025
Not all heart inflammation is the same

A group of Berlin researchers in collaboration with international scientists have found differences in heart inflammation caused by COVID-19, anti-COVID-19 vaccination, and non-COVID-19 myocarditis. The find paves the way for more personalized therapies, they report in “Nature Cardiovascular Research.”
Heart inflammation, or myocarditis, differs depending on its cause. A collaborative study led by Dr. Henrike Maatz, a scientist in the Genetics and Genomics of Cardiovascular Diseases lab of Professor Norbert Hübner at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin, identified distinct immune signatures in myocarditis caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection and mRNA vaccines compared to non-COVID-19 myocarditis. The study was published in “Nature Cardiovascular Research.”
“We found clear differences in immune activation,” says Maatz, co-lead author. “This knowledge might help to develop new and more personalized therapies that are tailored to specific types of inflammation.”
A unique opportunity during the pandemic
Myocarditis is caused by various types of infections, autoimmune disorders, genetic and environmental factors, and rarely, vaccination. COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory disease, but it is well known that SARS-CoV-2 infection can injure the heart. In children and young adults, SARS-CoV-2-infection can cause multisystem inflammatory syndrome, with myocarditis being the most prevalent clinical feature, although this is rare.
When the coronavirus pandemic hit, researchers at the Max Delbrück Center, the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin saw a unique opportunity to study whether myocarditis differs on a cellular and molecular level depending on the cause.
The Hübner lab has long had an interest in studying cardiac disease at the single-cell level. They teamed up with Professor Carsten Tschöpe, a cardiologist at the Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité (DHZC), head of the BIH research group for Immunocardiology and principal investigator at Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung (DZHK). His team had been collecting biopsy samples from patients presenting with suspected myocarditis. “At the DHZC, we have a widely recognized Myocarditis Unit, specializing in performing endomyocardial biopsies in selected cases,” says Tschöpe.
“The study program, which was initiated by Charité during the COVID-19 crisis, was integrated into the curriculum and forms part of the PERSONIFY- Program supported by the DZHK. Within this framework, patients with myocarditis undergo highly specific and targeted investigations, ensuring a comprehensive and advanced approach to their clinical and scientific evaluation.”
“We are deeply grateful to the patients for their trust and invaluable contributions and to our specialist heart failure nurses for their essential role in identifying patients, ensuring meticulous data management, careful tissue and blood handling, and overall patient care,” Tschöpe adds.
Distinct immune activation
Researchers at the Max Delbrück Center performed single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) on biopsied heart tissue to study gene expression and to create transcriptional profiles of each cell. These profiles served to identify the different cell types of the heart. They examined the molecular changes in each cell, and the abundance of the different cell types in three different sets of myocarditis tissue: COVID-19 positive samples, cases caused by mRNA vaccines, and non-COVID-19 heart inflammation caused by viral infections before the pandemic.
They found that while some gene expression changes were similar across the three groups, there were significant differences in levels of immune cell gene expression. What’s more, transcriptional profiles also showed that immune cells differed in abundance, depending on the cause of the myocarditis.
“Such differences were unexpected,” says Dr. Eric Lindberg, co-lead author of the paper, former postdoc in the Hübner lab, who now heads a research group at the LMU hospital in Munich. The researchers for example found that post-vaccination, CD4 T-cells were more abundant whereas post SARS-CoV-2 infection, CD8 T cells tended to be more dominant. In the non-COVID-19 myocarditis samples, the CD4 to CD8 cell ratio was about 50/50, he adds. Gene expression data suggested that the CD8 T cells in the post-COVID-19 group also appeared to be more aggressive than in non-COVID myocarditis. The researchers also found a small population of T cells present in post-COVID-19 myocarditis that have previously only been observed in the blood of severely sick COVID-19 patients.
“Together, these findings suggest a stronger immune response in post-COVID-19 myocarditis compared to pre-pandemic forms of myocarditis, while the myocardial inflammation appeared to be milder in post-vaccination,” says Professor Norbert Hübner of the Max Delbrück Center and Charite – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corresponding author on the paper and a principal investigator at the DZHK. Although the sample size from patients with post-vaccination myocarditis was small, the results are in line with other studies of post-vaccination myocarditis, Hübner adds.
Implications for treatment
Being able to differentiate between inflammation caused by different kinds of infections and vaccination paves the way to improve treatment tailored to specific types of inflammation, says Maatz. Based on the research, one could develop new therapies to control the side effects from vaccines, for example, she adds.
Also, biopsy samples of the heart are generally tiny – they are no larger than a pin head. It was a challenge to get the snRNA-seq technique to work using such minute amounts of tissue, Maatz says. “But I think the resolution and depth of insight we were able to generate really shows the power of this method – perhaps in the future also in a diagnostic setting.”
Heart biopsy tissue from a patient with COVID-19. New technologies can image the cellular landscape of heart tissue in detail. Heart cell boundaries are stained green, the cell nuclei in blue.
© Eric Lindberg, Max Delbrück Center / LMU Klinikum
Source: Press Release Max Delbrück Center
Not all heart inflammation is the same
Patient care / 12.02.2025
When blood cancer starts to spread

When blood cancer cells break through the bone and multiply, tumor cells become dangerously diverse and the immune response in the region changes, researchers from Berlin and Heidelberg report in “Science Immunology.” The detailed insights into cancer progression could advance diagnostics and treatment.
The incurable bone marrow cancer “multiple myeloma” often develops unnoticed in the bone marrow over decades. In advanced stages, lesions form that can destroy the bone and spread to other parts of the body. An interdisciplinary team from the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH), the Max Delbrück Center, the Queen Mary University of London's Precision Healthcare University Research Institute (PHURI), the Myeloma Center at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD), the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), together with other national and international partners, have been investigating what happens in these lesions when myeloma cells first break through the bone. The researchers discovered that the tumor cells diversify drastically when exiting the bone marrow, which also affects the immune cells in the cancer lesions. The new findings could contribute to more precise diagnostics and therapy, they report in “Science Immunology.”
When the tumor cells leave the bone, they find themselves in a completely different environment with different environmental conditions. “We suspect that this diversity helps the cancer cells adapt to survival outside the bone, enabling them to spread to other areas of the body,” says Dr. Niels Weinhold, head of Translational Myeloma Research at the UKHD's Department of Hematology, Oncology and Rheumatology.
Using innovative single-cell and spatial omics technologies, the team also examined for the first time how the immune system reacts to this “outbreak” of cancer cells from the bone. They discovered significant changes in the type and number of immune cells in the microenvironment of the cancerous lesions. For example, certain immune cells, known as T cells, had very different receptors and surface molecules in the foci outside the bone – a possible adaptation to the newly emerged heterogeneity of the tumor cells.
Uncovering the interaction between the immune system and cancer
“There seems to be a co-evolution between tumor and immune cells, in which both sides react to changes in the other,” says Professor Simon Haas, co-corresponding author of the study. He heads a lab in the joint focus area “Single-cell approaches for personalized medicine” at the BIH, Max Delbrück Center, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. He is also chair for single cell technologies and precision medicine at PHURI. The researchers hypothesize that this intensified interaction between the immune system and the cancer may both promote and hinder the fight against the disease. The team is currently investigating which factors contribute positively or negatively to this interaction.
For their analyses, the international team used tissue samples that originated from myeloma lesions in various parts of the body. The material was obtained either by image-guided biopsies or during operations on fracture-prone or already broken bones. “Single-cell analysis and spatial multi-omics technologies enabled us to simultaneously investigate a wide range of properties of thousands of individual cells, taking into account their exact position in the tissue,” says Dr. Llorenç Solé Boldo, one of the first authors of the study.
The results could influence the diagnosis and therapy of myeloma in the future. Currently, samples for diagnosis are usually taken from the iliac crest (part of the pelvis) of patients. However, since the study has shown that cancer and immune cells in hotspots where the cancer cells break out of bone differ significantly from those in the iliac crest, these sites may be better suited for sample collection and allow a more precise assessment of the disease and possible adjustment of therapy.
Text: UKHD
Innovation / 06.02.2025
U.S. FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation to Ariceum Therapeutics’ Proprietary Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Therapy
- 225Ac-satoreotide is a first-in-class Actinium-labelled somatostatin receptor 2 antagonist targeting extensive-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer or Merkel Cell Carcinoma
- Orphan Drug Designation follows outstanding preclinical data and FDA IND clearance
- Phase I/II human trials set to commence in Q1 2025 as a ‘theranostic’ targeted radionuclide treatment
Berlin, Germany, 6 February 2025 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) to 225Ac-SSO110 (satoreotide) for the treatment of patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC).
SCLC is a deadly condition that represents a significant unmet medical need due to the limited number of treatment options available to patients with this aggressive form of cancer. Two-thirds of SCLC patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage where the disease has already spread significantly, resulting in a poor prognosis and a 5-10% overall five-year survival rate. Ariceum will commence Phase I/II human clinical development of 225Ac-satoreotide under the trial name, SANTANA-225 in Q1 2025.
Manfred Rüdiger, Chief Executive Officer at Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “Receiving ODD for 225Ac-satoreotide is a recognition of its potential as a treatment option for patients with SCLC and an important regulatory milestone for Ariceum. The FDA’s ODD will support our objective to accelerate the development of 225Ac-satoreotide through human trials to provide a potentially life-saving therapy to patients with limited alternatives.”
The FDA provides ODD to drugs and biologics that demonstrate potential for the diagnosis and/or treatment of rare diseases or conditions that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S. The designation provides development and commercial incentives for designated compounds and medicines, including eligibility for seven years of market exclusivity in the U.S. after product approval, FDA assistance in clinical trial design, and an exemption from FDA user fees.
In October 2024, Ariceum published outstanding preclinical data demonstrating the significant potential of 225Ac-satoreotide to outperform SSTR2 targeting agonists. 225Ac-satoreotide showed a high frequency of complete durable responses and 100% survival supporting advanced clinical development in SCLC, MCC, and other aggressive cancers. 225Ac-satoreotide in combination with its companion patient selection tracer 68Ga-SSO120 is being developed as a ‘theranostic pair’ for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of multiple indications expressing SSTR2, such as SCLC, MCC, and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers.
About Ariceum Therapeutics
Ariceum Therapeutics is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer.
Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical candidate, SSO110 (“satoreotide”) labelled with Lutetium-177 (177Lu) and Actinium-255 (225Ac) is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SSTR2) receptor which is overexpressed in aggressive neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC), all of which have limited treatment options and poor prognosis. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic pair’ for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours. Ariceum is also developing a radiolabelled PARP-inhibitor (ATT001), currently in Phase 1 clinical development under the trial name CITADEL-123. ATT001 was part of the acquisition of Theragnostics Ltd which was closed in June 2023.
Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquired all rights to satoreotide from Ipsen, which has remained a shareholder of the Company. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany, Switzerland, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap, Pureos Bioventures, Andera Partners, and Earlybird Venture Capital. For further information, please visit
Research, Innovation, Patient care / 31.01.2025
Tubulis Announces First Patient Dosed in Phase I/IIa Trial Evaluating ADC TUB-030 in Advanced Solid Tumors

Tubulis (a joint spin-off of the FMP and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) announced today that its second drug candidate, TUB-030, has entered clinical evaluation with successful dosing of the first patient in the 5-STAR 1-01 Phase I/IIa trial (NCT06657222). The study is evaluating TUB-030, Tubulis’ next-generationntibodydrug conjugate (ADC), in patients with advanced solid tumors. The ADC targets 5T4, an oncofetal antigen expressed in a broad range of solid tumors. The program was developed using Tubulis’ proprietary Tubutecan linker-payload platform, which enables superior biophysical properties for precise and sustained on-tumor payload delivery.
“This milestone for TUB-030 demonstrates our ability to execute on our strategy to advance innovative programs into our proprietary pipeline and rapidly bring them into the clinic,” said Dominik Schumacher, PhD, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Tubulis. “As an organization, Tubulis has made a large step forward with two differentiated ADC molecules in clinical evaluation in less than a year. Our goal is to continue being an innovation driver in the field by delivering on the transformative potential of our platforms for patients.”
The multicenter, first-in-human, dose escalation and optimization Phase I/IIa study 5-STAR 1-01 aims to investigate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of TUB-030 as a monotherapy to treat a broad range of solid tumors. The trial will enroll a total of 130 patients and will be conducted at sites across the US and Canada. Phase I comprises dose escalation to determine the safety profile and to identify the maximum tolerated dose and/or the identified dose for optimization in patients with advanced solid tumor indications. Phase IIa will focus on dose optimization, safety, and preliminary efficacy of TUB-030 in selected indications.
“Building on our strong preclinical efficacy and safety data, we are expecting that targeting 5T4 with our high-performance ADC technology may offer a new precision therapy option for a variety of solid tumor indications. With our differentiated target, a strong bystander effect and efficient and durable target engagement via the Tubutecan platform, TUB-030 provides the potential to induce robust anti- tumor activity in 5T4-expressing tumors,” stated Günter Fingerle-Rowson, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer at Tubulis.
TUB-030 consists of a humanized, Fc-silenced IgG1 antibody targeting 5T4 equipped with Tubulis’ proprietary Tubutecan technology, which is based on P5 conjugation chemistry and the topoisomerase-1 inhibitor exatecan. Tubulis previously presented a comprehensive preclinical data set at AACR demonstrating TUB-030’s stability and minimal loss of linker-payload conjugation. In a range of preclinical models, TUB-030 produced high and long-lasting anti-tumor responses, including responses at relatively low 5T4 expression levels, while maintaining an excellent safety and tolerability profile. A single treatment with TUB-030 eliminated tumors in a triple-negative breast cancer mouse model, further underlining its potential efficacy. Preclinical analysis including safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics demonstrated that TUB-030 has a therapeutic window in a large variety of solid tumors.
About TUB-030 and the Tubutecan Technology
Tubulis’ second antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) TUB-030 is directed against 5T4, an oncofetal antigen, expressed in a broad range of solid tumor types. It consists of an IgG1 antibody targeting 5T4 connected to the Topoisomerase I inhibitor exatecan through a cleavable linker system based on the company’s proprietary P5 conjugation technology with a homogeneous DAR of 8. P5 conjugation is a novel chemistry for cysteine-selective conjugation that enables ADC generation with unprecedented linker stability and biophysical properties. The candidate is currently being investigated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study (5-STAR 1-01, NCT06657222) that aims to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of TUB-030 as a monotherapy in advanced solid tumors.
About Tubulis
Tubulis generates uniquely matched antibody-drug conjugates with superior biophysical properties that have demonstrated durable on-tumor delivery and long-lasting anti-tumor activity in preclinical models. The two lead programs from our growing pipeline, TUB-040, targeting NaPi2b, and TUB-030, directed against 5T4, are being evaluated in the clinic in high-need solid tumor indications, including ovarian, lung and head and neck cancers. We will solidify our leadership position by continuing to innovate on all aspects of ADC design leveraging our proprietary platform technologies. Our goal is to expand the therapeutic potential of this drug class for our pipeline, our partners and for patients. Visit or follow us on LinkedIn.
Research / 17.01.2025
Heike Graßmann new State Secretary in Saxony

The Max Delbrück Center congratulates Professor Heike Graßmann, who has served as Administrative Director of the research center since 2018, on her appointment as State Secretary for Science, Culture, and Tourism in Saxony. Graßmann will assume her new role in Dresden on February 1, 2025.
Today, Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) announced the appointment of Professor Heike Graßmann, previously the Administrative Director of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association in Berlin, as the new State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Culture, and Tourism. In her new role, Graßmann will work closely with State Minister Sebastian Gemkow.
“The scientific landscape in Saxony is outstanding. Our researchers and the diverse institutions in Saxony have an excellent international reputation. I am very much looking forward to helping shape science policy and further developing Saxony as a hub of excellence. I am eager to bring my extensive experience to this new role,” said Graßmann.
“I warmly congratulate my colleague Heike Graßmann and wish her every success in her new position. Heike is an excellent manager and a highly respected expert in the German scientific landscape,” said Professor Maike Sander, Scientific Director of the Max Delbrück Center. “I deeply appreciate her outstanding contributions to the Max Delbrück Center and our excellent collaboration. As Administrative Director, she has positioned our research center’s administration to meet future challenges effectively. Her efforts to advance digitalization, strengthen cooperation between science and administration, foster community spirit, and enhance diversity have left a lasting impact. She also played a pivotal role in strengthening the Max Delbrück Center’s network in Berlin.”
About Heike Graßmann
Born in Thuringia, Graßmann (53) is an accomplished science manager with an impressive career. Since October 2018, she has served as Administrative Director of the Max Delbrück Center, overseeing areas such as finance, human resources, legal affairs, and infrastructure. She has also driven initiatives in internationalization, digitalization of administration, and diversity and cultural topics.
Before joining the Max Delbrück Center, Graßmann, who holds a PhD in business administration, served as Administrative Managing Director of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig for many years. Since 2022, she has been a member of the University Council at Leipzig University and holds an honorary professorship at the State Academy for Studies in Leipzig, part of the University of Cooperative Education Saxony.
Graßmann has long been committed to talent management, gender equality, and diversity at the Max Delbrück Center and beyond. She mentors young women in various programs and served as treasurer for BR50, the Berlin Association of Non-University Research Institutes, where she helped establish a network for administrative leaders in Berlin. She currently chairs the organizing committee for the Long Night of Sciences in Berlin.
Graßmann studied business administration at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, where she also worked as a research associate. Before joining the UFZ, she served as personal assistant to the Executive Board at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and the Chancellor at Leipzig University. From 2012 to 2018, she led the finance department at the UFZ before becoming its Administrative Managing Director.
Source: Press Release Max Delbrück Center
Heike Graßmann new State Secretary in Saxony
Innovation / 15.01.2025
Eckert & Ziegler Signs Licence Agreement for Actinium-225 with Chinese Joint Venture
Eckert & Ziegler SE (ISIN DE0005659700, TecDAX) today signed a licence agreement with Qi Kang Medical, Ltd (QKM), a joint venture between Eckert & Ziegler and the Chinese company DC Pharma, for the cyclotron technology used by Eckert & Ziegler to manufacture Ac-225. The contract guarantees Eckert & Ziegler a one-time payment of EUR 10 million and additional royalties on Ac-225 sales.
For Eckert & Ziegler the licence and collaboration agreement is an important step towards establishing the company as a major supplier of Ac-225 for the radiopharmaceutical industry. Eckert & Ziegler is already supplying Ac-225 and will be able to provide the market with significantly increased quantities of Ac-225 in GMP quality from 2025.
Currently, Ac-225-based radiopharmaceuticals are under clinical investigation for various cancers, including prostate tumors, colorectal cancer, and leukemia. A substantial increase in the demand for Ac-225 is projected over the next decade, driven by its expanding clinical applications and the promising results seen in ongoing trials. Despite its therapeutic promise, sufficient quantities of Ac-225 remain scarce.
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler Signs Licence Agreement for Actinium-225 with Chinese Joint Venture
Innovation / 14.01.2025
FDA Clears Ariceum Therapeutics’ 225Ac-Satoreotide Phase I/II Clinical Study in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer or Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2025 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared its investigational new drug (IND) application to commence a Phase I/II clinical trial (‘SANTANA-225’) of its proprietary radiolabelled peptide, 225Ac-SSO110, in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC).
The SANTANA-225 trial is a global, open-label Phase I/II study, that will assess the safety, tolerability, preliminary efficacy and recommended Phase II dose of 225Ac-SSO110 in patients with extensive-stage SCLC or MCC who are on first-line maintenance therapy with checkpoint inhibitors. Ariceum is working with its partners and clinical sites in the US and other countries to commence recruitment of patients in Q1 2025.
Germo Gericke, Chief Medical Officer at Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “This is an important milestone, not only for Ariceum but for the whole field of targeted radionuclide cancer treatments. 225Ac-SSO110 is the first somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) antagonist labelled with Actinium-225 to undergo human trials, providing the optimum combination of a long half-life α particle emitter with a long tumour retention tracer. Based on encouraging clinical data with 177Lu-SSO110 and very promising pre-clinical data of 225Ac-SSO110, we are very optimistic about the potential for patients with difficult to treat cancers.”
225Ac-SSO110 is being developed together with its companion patient selection tracer 68Ga-SSO120 as a ‘theranostic pair’ targeted radionuclide treatment of multiple indications expressing SSTR2, such as SCLC, MCC, and other aggressive cancers. Ariceum has recently expanded its global supply agreements for the medical radionuclides Actinium-225 (225Ac) and Lutetium-177 (177Lu), which will be used to radiolabel SSO110.
About Ariceum Therapeutics
Ariceum Therapeutics is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer.
Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical candidate, SSO110 (“satoreotide”) labelled with Lutetium-177 (177Lu) and Actinium-255 (255Ac) is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SSTR2) receptor which is overexpressed in aggressive neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC), all of which have limited treatment options and poor prognosis. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic pair’ for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours. Ariceum is also developing a radiolabelled PARP-inhibitor (ATT001), currently in Phase 1 clinical development under the trial name CITADEL-123. ATT001 was part of the acquisition of Theragnostics Ltd which was closed in June 2023.
Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquired all rights to satoreotide from Ipsen, which has remained a shareholder of the Company. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany, Switzerland, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap, Pureos Bioventures, Andera Partners, and Earlybird Venture Capital. For further information, please visit
Innovation / 13.01.2025
Eckert & Ziegler and GlyTherix Extend Collaboration With Actinium-225 Supply Agreement
Eckert & Ziegler (ISIN DE0005659700, SDAX) and GlyTherix Ltd (GlyTherix), an Australian targeted radiotherapy company specialising in developing antibody radiopharmaceuticals for solid tumors, today announced the expansion of their existing Lutetium-177 based collaboration with a global supply agreement for Actinium-225 (Ac-225). Eckert & Ziegler will provide high-quality Ac-225 to support GlyTherix’s clinical research and development activities on innovative alpha radiotherapeutics.
In December 2024 Eckert & Ziegler announced the start of their Ac-225 production as part of the collaboration with the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚJF). The establishment of Ac-225 manufacturing in GMP quality is ongoing and expected to be finalized in the first half of 2025, enabling new possibilities for pharmaceutical companies developing alpha-emitting drugs.
GlyTherix's radiotherapy approach combines a radionuclide with an antibody targeting Glypican-1, a protein found in aggressive cancers, to deliver localized radiation while sparing healthy tissue. Glypican-1 is an attractive tumor target that occurs in several aggressive and invasive cancers including prostate, pancreatic, bladder, lung, glioblastoma and ovarian cancer. GlyTherix plans to use 177Lu-DOTA-Miltuximab in its planned Australian Phase Ib in early 2025, followed by US Phase II trials in 2026. GlyTherix has commenced its Ac-225-based research and development activities at the Australian ARC Research Hub for Advanced Manufacture of Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals (AMTAR) at the University of Queensland.
“We are happy to extend our collaboration with GlyTherix to fully support the planned development activities also for Actinium-225-based radiopharmaceuticals,” said Dr. Harald Hasselmann, CEO of Eckert & Ziegler. ”Increasing the availability of Ac-225 is our key objective as it will accelerate both progress in clinical research and commercial applications, which will ultimately result in the improved access to cancer therapies for patients globally.”
Dr. Brad Walsh, GlyTherix Chief Executive Officer commented, “We are pleased to be able to rely on Eckert & Ziegler also for the supply of Actinium-225. Alongside with Lutetium-177, Actinium-225 will become an important part of our clinical program later this year. It is therefore vital securing a reliable network for global supply of the alpha emitter to consistently support our upcoming trials.”
About Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
About GlyTherix
GlyTherix Ltd is an Australian targeted radiotherapy company specializing in developing antibody radiopharmaceuticals for solid tumours. Miltuximab specifically targets Glypican-1, a protein found in solid tumours such as prostate, bladder, pancreatic, glioblastoma, oesophageal and ovarian cancers, and is not present in healthy tissue. The company has a strong proprietary and Intellectual Property position covering both Miltuximab and the antigen Glypican-1. This provides robust and long-term protection for the commercialization of important new treatments to people with little hope.
GlyTherix has completed a ‘First-in-Human’ trial of 12 patients using Miltuximab with no drug-related adverse events. Miltuximab will be used in a Phase Ib trial as an antibody theranostic. GlyTherix is interested in partnerships or collaborations with larger biotech and pharmaceutical partners.
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler and GlyTherix Extend Collaboration With Actinium-225 Supply Agreement
Research, Patient care / 07.01.2025
Developing a CRISPR therapy for muscular dystrophy

Researchers at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center in Berlin are developing a targeted treatment for muscular dystrophy with the help of gene-editing. Preclinical research led by the Spuler Lab published in “Nature Communications” now paves the way for first-in-human clinical trials.
Researchers at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), a joint institution of the Max Delbrück Center and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, have developed a promising gene-editing approach intended to restore the function of a protein that is essential to repair and regrow muscle in patients with muscular dystrophy diseases.
The dysferlin protein is primarily responsible for repairing cell membranes. People with certain mutations in the gene coding for dysferlin develop muscular dystrophy – a group of muscle wasting diseases that affect thousands around the world.
Professor Simone Spuler and her team led by Dr. Helena Escobar in the Myology Lab at ECRC have successfully removed muscle stem cells from two patients with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, corrected the genetic error and restored functioning dysferlin proteins in cell culture. In new mouse models of the disease, they used the same process to collect cells, edit them and transplant the corrected cells back into mice, where protein function was restored and muscles began to regrow.
The preclinical findings, reported in “Nature Communications,” give the team confidence to move forward to human clinical trials. This would involve taking muscle cells from patients, editing them in the lab and transplanting the patient’s own cells back into targeted muscles. The researchers note this therapy is not a complete cure – it would be limited to one or two muscles.
“We have over 600 muscles in our body and it is not easy to target all of them,” says Spuler. “We are starting very humble with targeting one or two muscles. But if this therapy works, it will heal the muscle.”
Body of work
For nearly 20 years, Spuler and her collaborators have been working to understand dysferlin, its role in muscular dystrophy and ways to cure these rare but devastating inherited diseases. In the case of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, muscle deterioration is progressive and young adults lose the ability to walk and normal use of their arms and hands.
“You go from being a good athlete in your teens to being in a wheelchair by 40,” says Spuler, who sees this first-hand with her patients at an outpatient clinic at ECRC.
Escobar, first paper author and molecular biologist in Spuler’s Lab, has been working on methods to collect muscle stem cells from patients and use gene-editing tools to fix mutations.
“We started with a more common mutation so that we can help as many patients as possible,” Escobar says.
Classical CRIPSR
To fix the dysferlin mutation, Escobar uses CRISPR-Cas9, which is often described as “gene-editing scissors” and for which a Nobel Prize was awarded in 2020. The molecular scissors are guided to a precise location along a DNA molecule and then cut it, forcing the cell to repair the DNA. The aim is for the mutation to be corrected during the repair process, resulting in a properly functioning gene. The researchers tested their editing system in several cellular models all with very similar results: It worked with a high success rate and minimal unintended consequences.
Notably, the editing did not result in an exact match to the desired genetic sequence and there were four changes in the generated dysferlin protein. The team conducted a thorough analysis of the changes in collaboration with Professor Oliver Daumke, who heads the Structural Biology of Membrane-Associated Processes Lab at Max Delbrück Center.
“Even with these four changes, the generated protein is very similar in function to the wild type, which is the version we see in healthy individuals. It localized along damaged cell membranes and muscle was regenerated,” Escobar says.
Crucial model and clinical trial
As part of this project, the researchers developed a new mouse model in collaboration with Dr. Ralf Kühn, who leads the Genome Engineering & Disease Models Lab at Max Delbrück Center. The mouse model closely mimics the specific dysferlin mutation and resulting disease, and enabled the researchers to evaluate how the complete therapy works – taking muscle stem cells, correcting them and transplanting the cells back. They especially wanted to learn if the immune system would reject the cells or attack the generated dysferlin proteins.
“We didn’t see an immune response against the transplanted cells or generated proteins, which is promising for taking this into a clinical trial,” Spuler says.
The team is now seeking funds to launch the first human clinical trial. If the trial is successful, it would still be many years before it is broadly accessible.
Simone Spuler and Helena Escobar are co-inventors on a pending patent application on gene editing of human muscle stem cells. Spuler is co-founder of MyoPax GmbH and MyoPax Denmark ApS. The study was funded by the Gisela Krebs foundation.
Left: Muscle fibers expressing dysferlin (purple) made from gene-edited muscle stem cells transplanted into a mouse that lacks dysferlin. Right: Muscle fibers from the recipient mouse that are diseased and lack dysferlin.© Andreas Marg, AG Spuler, ECRC
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Developing a CRISPR therapy for muscular dystrophy
Research / 17.12.2024
New Insights into the Mechanisms of Potassium Channels for Medicine

Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) in Berlin, the Faculty of Medicine at Kiel University, and the Leibniz Institute of Virology in Hamburg are jointly receiving funding of nearly one million euros as part of the "Leibniz Cooperative Excellence" program. The goal of the project is to unravel fundamental mechanisms of two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P channels) – with potential new therapeutic approaches for cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, central nervous system disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.
Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P channels) are essential for maintaining the electrical balance and normal activity of various cell types. Disruptions in the functionality of K2P channels can lead to severe health problems such as atrial fibrillation, respiratory depression, pulmonary hypertension, sleep apnea, neuropathic pain, migraines, and depression. Consequently, these ion channels are promising targets for the development of new drugs. However, understanding how these channels function, particularly the mechanisms by which they respond to external stimuli and open or close – a process known as "gating" – remains a major challenge.
The research project "Deciphering the atomistic mechanism of selectivity filter gating in K2P channels," led by Prof. Han Sun, successfully secured funding of nearly one million euros through the Leibniz Competition 2025. The aim of the project is to gain a deeper understanding of the gating process in K2P channels. A particularly challenging aspect is studying the intrinsically disordered terminal regions of these channels, which play a crucial role in regulating gating. Furthermore, the project aims to develop new strategies for designing highly affine and highly selective small-molecule modulators targeting various K2P channels. Ion channels are among the most frequently targeted protein classes in drug development. The methods developed in this study could also be applied to designing drug-like molecules for other ion channels or viral proteins.
The project is being carried out by an interdisciplinary consortium with outstanding expertise in various methodologies, including cryo-electron microscopy (Prof. Maya Topf, Leibniz Institute for Virology), solid-state NMR (Prof. Adam Lange, FMP Berlin), molecular dynamics simulations (Prof. Han Sun, FMP Berlin), and electrophysiology (Dr. Marcus Schewe and Prof. Thomas Baukrowitz, Faculty of Medicine, Kiel University).
Project leader Prof. Han Sun investigates the functionally relevant dynamics of membrane proteins at the FMP, with a particular focus on ion channels. Her research group employs a variety of theoretical approaches, including molecular dynamics simulations, to explore the dynamics of proteins across different timescales. Additionally, the group develops innovative theoretical methods to predict active modulators with high affinity and specificity. Another central focus is integrating experimental data into simulations.
Prof. Adam Lange, also at the FMP in Berlin, uses solid-state NMR and other structural and biophysical techniques to study the structure and dynamics of membrane proteins in their natural environment, the cell membrane. The dynamics of membrane proteins often play a crucial role in their function. His group focuses on ion channels and intramembrane proteases. In the case of K2P channels, special attention is given to the intrinsically disordered terminal regions, which are essential for the regulation of these channels and can only be effectively studied using NMR spectroscopy. These planned studies will greatly benefit from the recently installed 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer at the FMP, one of the most powerful devices of its kind worldwide.
The physiologists of Kiel University Dr. Marcus Schewe and Prof. Thomas Baukrowitz investigate structure-function relationships in various ion channels, with a current research focus on K2P channels. Their goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms regulating K2P channels through endogenous stimuli (e.g., lipids, pH, temperature, mechanical stress) and pharmacological drugs, primarily using molecular biological and electrophysiological techniques. These regulatory mechanisms are central to the understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological relevance of K2Ps.
At the Leibniz Institute for Virology (LIV) in Hamburg, Prof. Maya Topf develops integrative modeling methods to elucidate the structures of macromolecular machines, with a focus on cryo-EM structures. Her lab’s recent work includes TEMPy-ReFF, a method that refines models in cryo-EM maps and improves the interpretation of flexible regions. In this proposal, her team will investigate the structure and dynamics of K2P channels using cryo-EM, particularly the SF gating mechanism, and model ligand binding sites, relying on their expertise in small-molecule docking (ChemEM).
Research / 13.12.2024
Leibniz Prize awarded to Ana Pombo

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has announced that biochemist Ana Pombo from the Max Delbrück Center is among this year’s winners of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. With a grant of €2.5 million, the Leibniz Prize is one of the highest endowed research prizes in Germany.
Cells neatly fold two meters of their DNA into a nucleus only ten micrometers in diameter. Professor Ana Pombo is exploring this genome contortion mechanism to better understand how environmental exposures and experiences affect the spatial interaction between genes and their “on” and “off” switches. In 2017, her research group at the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology of the Max Delbrück Center (MDC-BIMSB) published a method in the journal “Nature” that can map the 3D architecture of entire genomes. By understanding how conformational changes in DNA affect how genes are regulated, researchers can develop ways to intervene.
For her groundbreaking work, the primary committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has honored Ana Pombo and nine other scientists with Germany’s most significant research award. She will receive the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize at a ceremonial event on March 19, 2025. The prize comes with a grant of €2.5 million.
“We seek to reverse disease-causing cellular changes at the earliest possible stage. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms that govern genome function,” says Professor Maike Sander, Scientific Director of the Max Delbrück Center. “Ana Pombo's groundbreaking work is making a fundamental contribution to this goal. As a true pioneer in the field, we extend our warmest congratulations to her.”
About Ana Pombo
Ana Pombo was born in 1969 in Portugal and studied biochemistry at the University of Lisbon. After completing her doctorate at the University of Oxford, she initially worked as a group leader at the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences at Imperial College London, U.K. In 2013, she joined the Max Delbrück Center and simultaneously took on a professorship in Transcriptional Regulation and Genome Architecture at Humboldt University in Berlin. She is the Deputy Director of MDC-BIMSB and Deputy Program Spokesperson for the Max Delbrück Center. In 2007, she received the Robert Feulgen Prize and is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the European Academy of Sciences.
Ana Pombo joins two previous winners at the Max Delbrück Center: Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky and Professor Carmen Birchmeier. Since 1985, the DFG has been honoring outstanding top researchers with the Leibniz Prize. The award provides recipients with opportunities to expand their research and hire highly qualified early-career scientists. The 2025 Leibniz Prizes will be presented in a ceremony on March 19, 2025, in Berlin. The award ceremony will be preceded by an event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the program, where all previous prize recipients will be able to connect and network.
Source: Press Release Max Delbrück Center
Leibniz Prize awarded to Ana Pombo
Innovation / 13.12.2024
Eckert & Ziegler Submits GalliaPharm® for Approval by Japan’s Health Authority MHLW
Eckert & Ziegler Radiopharma GmbH (Eckert & Ziegler), a leading provider of isotope technology for nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical applications, announces the submission of its GalliaPharm® 68Ge/68Ga Radionuclide Generator for approval in Japan. This will pave the way for broader access to cutting-edge diagnostic tools including 68Ga-PSMA-11 in Japan. For GalliaPharm®, Novartis Pharma K.K., will manage safety information and distribution of the product in Japan.
GalliaPharm® is widely used as a high-quality GMP grade generator for Gallium-68, supporting the production of radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, particularly in oncology including the diagnosis of prostate cancer through PSMA imaging. An approval in Japan will provide the local healthcare community with an accessible and reliable tool to label Gallium-68 radiopharmaceuticals, offering new precision in diagnostic imaging that may improve early disease detection and patient outcomes.
“This step with the MHLW for us is a critical one,” stated Dr. Deljana Werner, Head of QA and Regulatory Affairs for the Medical Division of Eckert & Ziegler SE. “As a company committed to advancing nuclear medicine globally, we see GalliaPharm®’s entry into the Japanese market as a pivotal opportunity to support medical professionals in enhancing patient care through precise and innovative imaging solutions.”
By seeking approval in Japan, Eckert & Ziegler reinforces its commitment to meeting the specific needs of diverse healthcare markets, tailoring its innovations to support local advancements in nuclear medicine. This step not only underscores the company’s dedication to providing advanced radioisotopes for medical applications worldwide, but also strengthens its position as a trusted partner in the evolving landscape of radiopharmaceuticals.
About Eckert & Ziegler SE
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler SE shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler Submits GalliaPharm® for Approval by Japan’s Health Authority MHLW
Research, Innovation, Patient care, Education / 10.12.2024
Inspiring and connecting: “Talk im Cube”

For almost a year, “Talk im Cube” has been bringing science and business together on the Campus Berlin-Buch
Since last February “Talk im Cube” regularly invites to exciting panel discussions followed by networking. The compact format is aimed at the campus community, scientists, start-ups and investors in Life Science. The Talks 2024 highlighted topics such as Female start-ups in the life sciences”, exit strategies, bridging preclinical to clinical or cancer drug development from a treating oncologist’s perspective.
An inspiring “Talk in the Cube” on financing models for start-ups took place on 28th November.
Merle Fuchs, CEO and cofounder PRAMOMOLECULAR GmbH, Berlin-Buch discussed with Cornelia Jahnel, GOLDTRACK Ventures GmbH, Leipzig, Hannah-Sophie Braun, Investitionsbank Berlin and Robert Schwanke, Berliner Sparkasse the challenging fields of Biotech financing options, financing trends for biotechnology in Europe and ways for Biotech Start-Ups to find successful funding strategies.
What do VC investors expect from start-up teams?
Putting together a team for a successful spin-off is a learning process for scientists who want to found a company. Cornelia Jahnel and Hannah-Sophie Braun agreed that science and business must be mapped: Either someone has the market knowledge or is willing to acquire it or is willing to bring someone into the team who has these skills. Furthermore, someone on the team should keep an eye on the milestones and the final business goal.
How do you successfully get in touch with VC investors?
This question is essential for founders in the life sciences and the panelists made the following recommendations:
Small investment conferences and pitches help to get feedback such as: Am I still too early? Contact via LinkedIn and presentations at international conferences are a good option – for example biotech conferences in Riyadh, London or in Saxony, such as the Finance Days in Leipzig. Thinking internationally is important for start-ups, even though conferences are very expensive for them, while VC investors don't have to pay for them. To be able to assess which conferences are important, one should see which ones your competitors are attending.
If Start-ups are looking for contact with VC investors, they could be supported by Business angels who have excellent contacts and are highly professional.
Further important advices:
- Pitch whenever you can to enlarge your network.
- Whenever you can, ask for introductions or referrals from third parties when contacting investors and try to avoid “cold inquiries”.
- It is essential to learn Story Telling and to condense information you want to provide. Keep in mind: Most of the VC investors are not experts in your field – therefore starting to explain how to cure a patient with your invention instead of starting to delve into the depths of the technology.
Female founders
Women in C-level positions and as founders are currently rare are rare but the times are changing. There are more and more female managers at biotech funds and VCs are trying to support women for start-ups and leading positions. Role models need to be established and well-balanced, diverse management teams, i.e. with women / men in different age groups are key for being successful.
What is the best way to start?
Robert Schwanke and Merle Fuchs are convinced that both the Business Plan Competition and the Science for Life Competition are very good starting points for receiving early feedback and entering the ecosystem.
Hannah-Sophie Braun recommended mentoring programs such as the Creativ Destruction Lab (CDL) to get support with fundraising.
Merle Fuchs emphasized the need to go abroad as a high-tech start-up and recommended, for example, the Boston Incubator, which was very helpful for her company's development.
The tendency for programs such as Biolabs from the USA to come increasingly to Europe, was also discussed.
How can the German and European market become more attractive for VC?
Cornelia Jahnel is convinced that funds are needed as role models and that this will change the market: “That's why we are setting up a fund. It can't all be about state funding (EXIS, EXIST 1, EXIST 2...). Instead of grant thinking: Big Thinking! We go out to attract VCs from the US and Scandinavia. We in Germany tend to be risk averse, but there is a shift.”
Hanna-Sophie Braun confirmed this: “Large parts of the companies are moving to the USA, including some of the teams, and we need to be active here.”
Networking and feedback
Hanna-Sophia Braun finally remarked: “Networking is important, but choose the right funds and get feedback as often as possible from people who are more experienced than you.”
Cornelia Jahnel added: “Regardless whether you are fundraising or whether you plan to start a business: Mingle in different groups to share your ideas, to share how it went, to share what was good and what didn't work for you.”
Talk in the Cube - Outlook for 2025
The next Talk in the Cube is scheduled for 20 February 2025 on the topic “Intellectual Property Strategies in Life Sciences” – with the European Patent Attorneys Dr. Sun Jin Lee (Maiwald GmbH) and Dr. Oliver Ladendorf (Kraus & Lederer PartGmbB). More information and registration shortly here:
Other topics planned for 2025:
- International cooperation and funding programs in Life Sciences
- Life Science Marketing: ways to promote your products
- CROs in diagnostics and therapeutics development
Innovation / 06.12.2024
Eckert & Ziegler and Ariceum Therapeutics Sign Global Supply Agreement for the Development of Next-Generation Radiotherapeutics for Precision Cancer Treatments
Eckert & Ziegler, one of the world’s largest providers of isotopes for medical, scientific and industrial use, and Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announced the signing of a global supply agreement for the medical radionuclides Actinium-225 (Ac-225) and Lutetium-177 (Lu-177).
Following limited global availability, alongside increasing demand for Ac-225, which comes with intricate manufacturing complexities, this collaboration is a significant step forward in accelerating Ariceum’s novel targeted radiopharmaceutical pipeline programs.
Under the terms of the agreement, Eckert & Ziegler will supply Ariceum with the required quantities of non-carrier-added (n.c.a.) Ac-225 and Lu-177. Both radionuclides will be used to radiolabel Ariceum’s proprietary lead radiopharmaceutical drug (SS0110) satoreotide targeting hard-to-treat cancers in clinical studies and subsequent commercial phases. The agreement also includes options for expansion to other drugs as well as the use of additional radionuclides in preparation for future commercialization activities.
Dr. Harald Hasselmann, Chief Executive Officer of Eckert & Ziegler, commented: “In collaborating with Ariceum, we support their mission to develop innovative radiopharmaceuticals for the benefit of patients. Both the production start for Ac-225, announced earlier this week, and the successful European approval of Theralugand®, show that our goal is to sustainably reduce the shortage of high-quality radioisotopes. We aim to foster the progress of novel treatments in clinical trials and beyond, and thus contribute to saving lives.”
Manfred Rüdiger, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “This important global supply agreement with Eckert & Ziegler for n.c.a. Ac-225 and Lu-177 will ensure an adequate supply of radionuclide isotopes to conduct our clinical trials. We are looking forward to working with the Eckert & Ziegler team to build a robust supply chain and to reliably deliver targeted theranostic treatments for patients with hard-to-treat cancers. Our lead radiopharmaceutical drug, satoreotide is a first-in-class, antagonist of the somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) labelled with Ac-225 to enter clinical development in small cell lung cancer and in Merkel Cell Carcinoma very soon.”
About Eckert & Ziegler SE
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler SE shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
About Ariceum Therapeutics, GmbH
Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum) is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer.
Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical product, 177Lu-satoreotide tetraxetan (“satoreotide”), is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SSTR2) receptor which is overexpressed in neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and some aggressive cancers such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC), or Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC), all of which have few treatment options and poor prognosis. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic pair’ for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours. Ariceum is also developing a radiolabelled PARP-inhibitor (ATT001), currently in Phase 1 clinical development under the trial name CITADEL-123. ATT001 was part of the acquisition of Theragnostics Ltd which was closed in June 2023.
Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquired all rights to Satoreotide from Ipsen. Ipsen remains a shareholder in the Company. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany, Switzerland, Australia, United Kingdom and United States of America and with activities currently across the globe.
Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap, Pureos Bioventures, Andera Partners and Earlybird Venture Capital. For further information, please visit
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler and Ariceum Therapeutics Sign Global Supply Agreement for the Development of Next-Generation Radiotherapeutics for Precision Cancer Treatments
Research / 03.12.2024
The Max Delbrück Center bids farewell to Thomas Sommer

For three decades, Thomas Sommer conducted research at the Max Delbrück Center and shaped its development: as a scientist, ombudsman, committee representative, and interim board member. On December 6, the center will honor him with a symposium on his favorite topic — the cell's recycling system.
On December 6, 2024, the Max Delbrück Center will bid farewell to a long-time friend who has significantly influenced the institution: Professor Thomas Sommer. He joined the center as a junior group leader in the early 1990s — and remained for 30 years. He served as an ombudsman for PhD candidates multiple times and twice took on the role of interim head of the Max Delbrück Center, most recently from 2019 to 2022. As a manager and networker, he represented the center in various committees. Now, he is starting a new chapter in his career. Sommer has become the managing director of the Institute for Biomedical Translation (IBT) Lower Saxony in Hanover, which supports biomedical startups in the region.
Basic research and application are inseparable, Sommer says, as all therapies originate from basic research. He promoted this philosophy in his roles at the Max Delbrück Center, helping to create the structures that allow researchers to both understand the fundamentals of life and develop new therapeutic approaches.
A symposium on the cell’s recycling system
His research career has been dedicated to studying the ubiquitin-proteasome system, also known as the cell's recycling system. Ubiquitin acts as a tag, marking proteins that have accumulated defects for various reasons, which render them nonfunctional or even harmful, and prepares them for disposal. The cell breaks down the marked proteins and reuses their components to create new ones.
The recycling system is the focus of the symposium titled "Targeted proteolysis: From basic discovery to clinical application," featuring keynote lectures by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Professor Aaron Ciechanover from the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and Professor Fleur M. Ferguson from the University of California, San Diego. A festive farewell party will follow at 4:00 PM.
Source: Press Release Max Delbrück Center
The Max Delbrück Center bids farewell to Thomas Sommer
Innovation / 03.12.2024
Eckert & Ziegler: Changes in the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of Eckert & Ziegler SE has appointed Dr. Gunnar Mann (57) as a new member of the Executive Board, effective 1 January 2025. He will assume operational responsibility for the Medical segment.
Dr. Mann who holds a doctorate in physics, joined Eckert & Ziegler in 1998 and initially started as head of development. He then served as managing director of various subsidiaries of Eckert & Ziegler SE and was appointed to the Group Executive Committee in 2011. Dr. Mann has proven expertise in the areas of radiation physics, process management and implementation of investment projects.
Jutta Ludwig, whose contract as a member of the Executive Board expires as planned on December 31, 2024 will join the Supervisory Board as a delegated member on January 1, 2025. Frank Perschmann will leave the Supervisory Board of Eckert & Ziegler SE at the end of the year.
“Dr. Mann knows Eckert & Ziegler like only few others and brings exactly the experience and expertise needed to expand production capacity in the growing medical segment and to set up facilities for new products,” explains Dr. Andreas Eckert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eckert & Ziegler SE. “On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I would like to thank Mrs. Ludwig for her contribution in strengthening our position in China and I am pleased that her expertise will remain with the company. I would also like to express my thanks to Mr. Perschmann for his many years of work on the Supervisory Board and for his valuable input in the strategic development of the Group.”
About Eckert & Ziegler.
Eckert & Ziegler SE with more than 1.000 employees is a leading specialist for isotope-related components in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler: Changes in the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
Innovation / 02.12.2024
Eckert & Ziegler Begins Production of Actinium-225, Paving the Way for GMP-Grade Supply
Eckert & Ziegler Radiopharma GmbH (Eckert & Ziegler) today celebrates the successful start of Actinium-225 (Ac-225) production, addressing the global shortage of this critical radionuclide. This milestone marks a major success of the common project with the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚJF). The test production demonstrated that the choice of technology was appropriate to achieve the expected parameters of the product.
In parallel with production, Eckert & Ziegler has commenced the validation process to produce GMP-grade Ac-225, crucial for clinical and commercial use. It is expected to become available in the first half of 2025, unlocking new opportunities for pharmaceutical companies developing alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals.
The production facility employs innovative cyclotron-based methods to generate Ac-225 from Radium-226, marking a pivotal advancement in isotope production. "This milestone underscores our commitment to advancing cancer treatment through the reliable supply of radioisotopes," said Dr. Lutz Helmke, Managing Director of Eckert & Ziegler Radiopharma GmbH. "The commencement of Ac-225 production not only addresses the current shortage but also fortifies Eckert & Ziegler’s position as a key player in the future of radioligand therapy."
The successful start of Ac-225 production is a direct result of the close collaboration between Eckert & Ziegler and the ÚJF. Drawing on decades of expertise in nuclear research and radiopharmaceutical development, ÚJF has played a crucial role in designing and optimizing this production pathway for Ac-225. Incorporating custom-engineered solutions by Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH, Eckert & Ziegler’s hot cell division, the production process is designed to be efficient and sustainable.
The start of production positions Eckert & Ziegler at the forefront of the radiopharmaceutical industry's transformation, offering a reliable and scalable source of Ac-225 for clinical development and commercial manufacturing.
About Eckert & Ziegler SE
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler SE shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Source: Press Release Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler Begins Production of Actinium-225, Paving the Way for GMP-Grade Supply
Innovation / 27.11.2024
Eckert & Ziegler Achieves European Approval for Theralugand® - Lutetium-177 Chloride (n.c.a)
Eckert & Ziegler Radiopharma GmbH (Eckert & Ziegler) today received approval of its proprietary non-carrier added Lutetium-177 chloride, Theralugand®, by the European Commission (EC). This enables the use of the radiopharmaceutical medicinal product Theralugand® in routine clinical applications throughout the European Economic Area (EEA).
Theralugand® provides high-purity Lutetium-177 produced in compliance with GMP standards with specifications designed for the labelling of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. The approval unlocks its potential to support innovative cancer therapies such as those targeting neuroendocrine tumors and metastatic prostate cancer. The previous, GMP-certified Lutetium-177 was limited to investigational use in clinical studies.
Eckert & Ziegler collaborates with pharmaceutical companies worldwide to develop and manufacture Lutetium-177-based radiopharmaceuticals, furthering the reach of targeted radiotherapies for the global market. Through these partnerships, Eckert & Ziegler plays a vital role in providing innovative cancer treatments.
“We are excited to achieve the EC approval for Theralugand®, a critical step in making innovative treatment options widely available for clinical applications across Europe,” said Dr. Harald Hasselmann, CEO of Eckert & Ziegler SE. “This accomplishment reflects our dedication to the production and distribution of reliable therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.”
Eckert & Ziegler is gearing up to meet the rising global demand for Lutetium-177 by actively expanding production capacities, ensuring a stable supply of this critical therapeutic radioisotope.
About Eckert & Ziegler SE
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler SE shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
Research, Innovation, Patient care / 21.11.2024
Berlin goes USA

Strengthening transatlantic economic relations: Berlin delegation trip to the USA - with a focus on life science and health
What an intensive, rewarding week in the USA. Our Managing Director, Dr. Christina Quensel, was part of the “Berlin goes USA” business delegation from Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Berlin Senate Chancellery.
“With this large delegation trip, Berlin has shown a strong commitment to our business location and the healthcare industry in the capital region,” says Dr. Quensel. “The tour was perfectly prepared with a tight schedule. It was a great opportunity for networking and learning from the local life science hubs. A big thank you from us to the organizers and hosts!
The delegation trip was also a great opportunity for the many start-ups that were there - including MyoPax and Captain T Cell with their pioneering therapeutic approaches developed on the Berlin-Buch campus.
It was exciting to see, for example, how strong the life science ecosystem in New York has become in a very short time and what interesting programs New York State offers for international exchange in the life science scene.
There were also interesting new insights at the Life Science Hub Boston, a regular venue for the BIO International Convention.
The Bayer Co.Lab in Boston Cambridge is part of the international Bayer Co.Lab network with the aim of accelerating innovation. The Co.Lab in Berlin will reopen next week and also offers young life science companies the uncomplicated opportunity to move from one location to another and thus also be on site in Boston and take advantage of its dynamic ecosystem.
The CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center) directly opposite impresses with its active networking and lively exchange between various pharmaceutical companies, venture capitalists and start-ups. As a place for networking, the CIC is so interesting that large pharmaceutical companies are setting up shop there. Start-ups, in turn, can rent workstations there at affordable prices so that they can immerse themselves in the ecosystem.
Cambridge, with Harvard University and MIT, shows the effect of the spatial concentration of life science companies: within a 5-mile radius, there is an enormous density of people who all work in the same field and meet daily in the cafés of Kendall Square: Pharma, venture capitalists, founders and researchers.
By comparison, our life science ecosystem in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region is growing and offers very good conditions. Lighthouse projects such as “Unite” can provide and bundle additional resources and opportunities in tech transfer. Above all, there is potential in better integration of the hubs: from the Charité and Bayer in Berlin-Mitte, the FU in Dahlem, the science and biotech campus in Berlin-Buch to the Potsdam Science Park. A higher density increases the attraction for pharmaceutical companies and venture capitalists - Boston is a prime example of this.”
Research, Innovation, Patient care, Education / 20.11.2024
Talk im Cube: Financing Models for Biotechs

We are excited to invite to a further engaging panel discussion focused on the critical topic of financing models in biotechnology companies. Join us as we explore the various funding strategies that drive innovation and growth in this dynamic industry.
Diskussionsrunde beim der Talk im Cube Veranstaltungsreihe
Financing Models for Biotechs
A Panel Discussion
- Biotech financing options
- Financing trends for biotechnology in Europe
- Essential factors to find a successful funding strategy.
Cornelia Jahnel, Managing General Partner, GOLDTRACK Ventures GmbH, Leipzig
Hannah-Sophie Braun, Investment Manager, Investitionsbank Berlin
Robert Schwanke, Berliner Sparkasse, FirmenCenter Gründungen, Startups und Nachfolge
Moderation: Dr. Merle Fuchs, Project Leader, Business Development, Financing, Pramomolecular GmbH, Berlin-Buch
Our esteemed panel of experts will share their insights on traditional and emerging financing options, including venture capital, public funding, and alternative investment strategies. This is an ideal opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, ask questions, and to network with industry professionals.
Whether you are a seasoned investor, a biotech entrepreneur, or simply interested in the future of biotechnology, this discussion promises to provide valuable perspectives and foster meaningful conversations. The talk will be followed by a networking event where you can socialize over snacks and drinks. Don’t miss out on this valuable event!
Further topics planned for 2025
- International cooperation and founding programs in Life Sciences
- Team 4.0 - Networked working in biotechnology
- Life Science Marketing: A potential way of scientist to promote their products
CROs in diagnostics and therapeutics development - …
About "Talk in the Cube"
With the event series "Talk in the Cube", we bring business and science together on the Berlin-Buch campus and connect founders of start-ups or life science companies with scientists, e.g. from the Max Delbrück Center, FMP, Charité and BIH. We invite experts on business topics or trends in the life sciences and highlight aspects such as
- What innovations are there in the start-ups and who is driving them forward?
- How does the life science business world work and where can synergies with science be created?
- How does the "networked laboratory" work and how do you live "sustainability in the laboratory"?
Target audience:
Founders & scientists from start-ups, small and medium-sized life science companies and scientific institutions.
Participation is free of charge. Registration is requested.
Further information:
Uwe Lohmeier per E-Mail:
BerlinBioCube (Building D95), Campus Berlin-Buch, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin
Quelle: Gläsernes Labor Akademie
Talk im Cube: Financing Models for Biotechs
Research / 19.11.2024
Global influencers of science

Three researchers at Max Delbrück Center – Sofia Forslund, Friedemann Paul, and Nikolaus Rajewsky – are among the most Highly Cited Researchers in the world in 2024, making the list two years in a row. Germany ranks fourth of countries and regions, behind the U.S., mainland China and the U.K.
Sofia Forslund, Friedemann Paul and Nikolaus Rajewsky are considered among the top 1% in their fields for publishing highly influential studies that have gone on to be cited, or referenced, by many other scientists.
They are included in Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list, which aims to highlight researchers who are having an outsized impact on their fields and extending the frontiers of knowledge. All three made the 2023 list as well.
Clarivate produces the list annually, based on an extensive analysis of scientific publishing data on Web of Science. Each researcher included has multiple papers ranked in the top 1% by citations for their field(s) and publication year over the past decade. Approximately one in a thousand researchers makes it onto this prestigious list.
This year, 6,636 individual researchers have been named Highly Cited Researchers. Germany ranks fourth of countries and regions with 332 highly cited researchers, behind the U.S., mainland China and the U.K.
About our researchers
Professor Sofia Forslund heads a research group at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), a joint institution of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center. The data-driven models developed by the biochemist and bioinformatician illustrate how we and our gut microbiome develop together toward health or disease.
Host-microbiome factors in cardiovascular disease
Professor Friedemann Paul is Director of the ECRC. As a neuroimmunologist, he and his team focus on enhancing therapeutics and diagnostics for diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. Additionally, they coordinate an international consortium researching inflammatory processes preceding organ malfunction or damage.
- Understanding the transition to disease
- Low levels of a simple sugar – a new biomarker for severe MS?
Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky is Director of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology at the Max Delbrück Center (MDC-BIMSB) and head of the Systems Biology of Gene Regulatory Elements lab. His lab studies how RNA regulates gene expression in health and disease, to identify diseases as early as possible, intervening before cellular dysfunctions cause harm.
Systems Biology of Gene Regulatory Elements
Further information
economic development / 29.10.2024
Pentixapharm Holding AG: US National Cancer Institute Starts Advanced Clinical Trial with PentixaFor
Berlin and Würzburg, Germany, October 29, 2024 – The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), two highly respected research organizations belonging to the US government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), have started a clinical trial involving 77 patients to see if Pentixapharm’s new radioactive tracer PentixaFor ([68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor) can make it easier to identify functional adrenal tumors through positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
The FDA-endorsed and US-located investigator-initiated phase II study, conducted by Dr. Liza Lindenberg and Prof. Dr. Peter Choyke (Clinical Trial number: NCT06246357) investigates the performance of PentixaFor in subtyping hormone-secreting adenomas in people suffering from primary aldosteronism (PA) or hypercortisolism (Cushing´s syndrome). The first patient was recently examined.
Primary aldosteronism is among the most common causes of secondary hypertension, a disorder affecting tens of millions of people in the United States alone. In some subtypes PA can be cured completely through a short surgical intervention, so finding a reliable tool for accurate subtyping is important and potentially beneficial to a large segment of the population. In contrast, Cushing's syndrome, also described as hypercortisolism, is a rare endocrine disorder designated as an orphan disease that is caused by chronic exposure of the body's tissues to excess levels of cortisol.
Pentixapharm itself is currently preparing a US-centric Phase III pivotal study to obtain marketing authorization for PentixaFor in PA. The work of the NCI/NIDDK will add to the global clinical evidence about the compound and make it easier to compile the necessary data.
“We are pleased that the NIH investigate the clinical value of PentixaFor at its own initiative and see this as a token of confidence in the potential of CXCR4 targeting imaging in unexplored indications expanding market opportunities for PET/CT diagnostics. In our opinion, PentixaFor has broad potential as a novel imaging modality for adrenal diseases and could be particularly helpful for individuals grappling with primary aldosteronism-induced resistant hypertension or Cushing’s disease,” stated Dr. Dirk Pleimes, Chief Medical Officer at Pentixapharm.
About Pentixapharm
Pentixapharm is a clinical-stage biotech company discovering and developing novel targeted radiopharmaceuticals with its offices in Berlin and Würzburg, Germany. It is committed to developing CXCR4 ligand-based first-in-class radiopharmaceutical approaches with a clear commercial pathway for diagnostic and therapeutic programs in a number of hematological and solid cancers, as well as cardiovascular, endocrine and inflammatory diseases.
PentixaFor (Gallium (68Ga) boclatixafortide) is an innovative PET tracer that specifically targets the chemokine-4 receptor (CXCR4), with broad applications in oncological, cardiovascular, and inflammatory diseases. Particularly in hypertension, PentixaFor has the potential to significantly improve patient management by identifying the presence of hormone-secreting adenomas through non-invasive and broadly available PET/CT imaging.
Apart from PentixaFor, the clinical pipeline also encompasses PentixaTher, an Yttrium-90 or Lutetium-177 based therapeutic against non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Clinical studies for both compounds have already commenced in Europe, including a dose-finding study for PentixaTher and a Phase III registration study for PentixaFor in marginal zone lymphoma. Recently, the EMA granted PRIME status to PentixaFor in the indication PA.
For more information, please contact:
Pentixapharm Holding AG
Phillip Eckert, Investor Relations
Tel. +49 30 94893232
Innovation / 08.10.2024
Eckert & Ziegler and GlyTherix Sign Agreement for Lutetium-177 Supply
Berlin, Germany and Sydney, Australia - 08. October 2024 - Eckert & Ziegler (ISIN DE0005659700, SDAX) and GlyTherix Ltd (GlyTherix), an Australian targeted radiotherapy company specialising in developing antibody radiopharmaceuticals for solid tumors, today announced a new global clinical supply agreement. Eckert & Ziegler will provide its GMP grade non-carrier added Lutetium-177 chloride (n.c.a. Lu-177) for use in GlyTherix's clinical trials focused on innovative treatments for aggressive and invasive cancers.
GlyTherix's radiotherapy approach combines Lu-177 with an antibody targeting Glypican-1, a protein found in aggressive cancers, to deliver localized radiation while sparing healthy tissue. Glypican-1 is an attractive tumor target that occurs in several aggressive and invasive cancers including prostate, pancreatic, bladder, lung, glioblastoma and ovarian cancer. GlyTherix plans to use 177Lu-DOTA-Miltuximab® in its planned Australian Phase Ib in early 2025, followed by US Phase II trials in 2026.
Dr. Harald Hasselmann, CEO of Eckert & Ziegler, commented, “We are happy to collaborate with GlyTherix in their mission to develop cutting-edge radiopharmaceuticals. Contributing to the success of such innovative treatments in clinical trials and beyond with our high-quality radioisotopes including Lutetium-177 is our distinct goal.”
Dr. Brad Walsh, GlyTherix Chief Executive Officer said, “We are very pleased to partner with Eckert & Ziegler to provide patients with innovative targeted radiotherapy treatments. As GlyTherix advances its clinical trials using the medical radioisotope Lu-177, it is building a global supplier network with proximity to major global markets, capable of consistently delivering high-quality radioisotopes to patients. This agreement with Eckert & Ziegler strengthens our global clinical supply network and underscores our commitment to enhancing our global radiopharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities to meet increase demand”.
About Eckert & Ziegler
Eckert & Ziegler SE, with more than 1,000 employees, is a leading specialist in isotope-related components for nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
About GlyTherix
GlyTherix Ltd is an Australian targeted radiotherapy company specializing in developing antibody radiopharmaceuticals for solid tumours. Miltuximab® specifically targets Glypican-1, a protein found in solid tumours such as prostate, bladder, pancreatic, glioblastoma, oesophageal and ovarian cancers, and is not present in healthy tissue. The company has a strong proprietary and Intellectual Property position covering both Miltuximab® and the antigen Glypican-1. This provides robust and long-term protection for the commercialization of important new treatments to people with little hope.
GlyTherix has completed a ‘First-in-Human’ trial of 12 patients using Miltuximab® with no drug-related adverse. Miltuximab® will be used in a Phase Ib trial as an antibody theranostic. GlyTherix is interested in partnerships or collaborations with larger biotech and pharmaceutical partners.
Innovation / 02.10.2024
Eckert & Ziegler: Spin-off of Pentixapharm AG Registered with the Commercial Register
Berlin, 2 October 2024.
Eckert & Ziegler SE (ISIN DE0005659700, TecDAX) announces that the spin-off resolution approved at the Annual General Meeting on 26 June 2024 was entered in the commercial register of the Charlottenburg (Berlin) District Court today. With the entry in the commercial register of Eckert & Ziegler SE, the spin-off of Pentixapharm AG became legally effective. All shares in Pentixapharm AG held by Eckert & Ziegler have thus been legally transferred from Eckert & Ziegler SE to Pentixapharm Holding AG.
In compensation, the shareholders of Eckert & Ziegler SE will receive Pentixapharm Holding AG shares at a ratio of 1:1. The number of Eckert & Ziegler shares held by each Eckert & Ziegler shareholder after the close of trading today, taking into account any outstanding stock market transactions, will determine their entitlement. All Pentixapharm Holding AG shares created as part of the spin-off are expected to be admitted to the Regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the Prime Standard segment on 2 October 2024.
Initial trading of the Pentixapharm Holding AG shares is scheduled for 3 October 2024. On the same day, the listing of the Eckert & Ziegler SE shares ‘ex spin-off’ is planned. The deposit-side posting of the Pentixapharm Holding shares to the securities accounts of Eckert & Ziegler shareholders is expected to take place on 7 October 2024.
Further information on the IPO of Pentixapharm AG can be found here:
About Eckert & Ziegler.
Eckert & Ziegler SE with more than 1.000 employees is a leading specialist for isotope-related components in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
Innovation / 26.09.2024
OMEICOS Completes Enrollment of PMD-OPTION Study in Primary Mitochondrial Disease
Interim data confirms OMT-28's strong safety profile in PMD patients, top-line data expected mid-2025
Today OMEICOS announced the completion of enrollment in its multi-center, open-label Phase 2a PMD-OPTION study of OMT-28 in Primary Mitochondrial Disease (PMD) patients suffering from myopathy and cardiomyopathy. Top-line data are expected to become available by mid- 2025.
“Initial data analysis confirms the strong safety profile and very good tolerability of OMT-28 in the target population. Furthermore, the clinical data obtained so far looks promising for relevant endpoints, which bodes well for our goal to provide a much-needed new treatment option for patients underserved by current therapies” said Robert Fischer.
The primary endpoints of the PMD-OPTION study are safety and tolerability of OMT-28 and the response rate of patients showing a reduction of Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) levels by at least 20% compared to baseline. GDF-15, which is produced in response to mitochondrial stress, inflammation or hypoxia, is emerging as a strong risk predictor in many diseases including cardiometabolic and PMD. The study also evaluates a range of secondary and exploratory endpoints to determine the effect of OMT-28 on relevant clinical symptoms, standard functional parameters of physical strength, heart function, quality of life, and key metabolic biomarkers.
PMD patients suffer from debilitating and life-threatening health consequences, such as severely limited physical stamina and disease-related changes in the heart and skeletal muscles, as well as associated neurological disorders. OMEICOS’ therapeutic strategy with OMT-28 could translate into improved cell metabolism and mitochondrial function, which in turn would bring significant quality of life benefits to PMD patients and their families. The PMD-OPTION study has enrolled a total of 28 PMD patients and features a 12-week untreated run-in phase, capturing the patients’ natural history and baseline parameters. Subsequently, all patients receive a 24 mg once-daily dose of OMT-28 for a treatment period of up to 24 weeks.
About OMT-28
OMT-28 is a first-in-class small molecule that has demonstrated cell protective, anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic properties. OMEICOS has generated comprehensive preclinical and clinical datasets demonstrating the compounds strong safety profile and tolerability as well as its therapeutic potential in cardiovascular diseases targeting inflammation in atherosclerosis and cardiomyopathy, as well as other age-related diseases including AMD. In the active PMD-OTION Phase 2 clinical study, OMEICOS is evaluating OMT-28 in Primary Mitochondrial Disease patients.
OMEICOS Therapeutics has discovered a series of metabolically robust synthetic analogues of omega-3 fatty acid-derived epoxyeicosanoids that have the potential to treat mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammatory, cardiovascular and other diseases. Epoxyeicosanoids activate cell type-specific endogenous pathways that promote organ and tissue protection. OMEICOS’ small molecules are orally available and show improved biological activity and pharmacokinetic properties compared to their natural counterparts. For more, please visit:
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