Education Programs for Preschool and Elementary School Children Science Education

Boy at LNDW


Nurturing Talent in the Forschergarten

Through programs of the Forschergarten children aged four and older learn about natural phenomena in experiments. Research Garden scientists visit day care centers, preschools and elementary schools, bringing along science kits chock full of fascinating experiments in order to whet the children’s curiosity and joy in discovery. They inspire the kids with simple but exciting experiments that not only encourage scientific thinking but also expand the children’s vocabulary and improve their fine motor skills.

•  Various experimental courses in day care centers, preschools and elementary schools (including after-school centers)

•  School outings or project days: Science experiment programs in the Robert Havemann Gymnasium or in the Life Science Learning Lab

The early childhood education program of the Research Garden is oriented on the Berlin and Brandenburg education program.
The Research Garden is a project of the Life Science Learning Lab of Campus Berlin-Buch, which was created at the initiative of physicists, biologists and other scientists enthusiastic about the project. The Forschergarten is supported by Eckert & Ziegler AG and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC).
In 2007 the Research Garden was honored as "Selected Landmark in the Land of Ideas 2007" in the competition "Germany – Land of Ideas".

school in a forest

Environmental Education

School-in-the-Woods in the Buch Forest

In all seasons of the year, preschool groups and primary school children can discover the forest with forest educators and enjoy forest adventures. Special events for families and nature lovers are offered on a regular basis such as evening walks with bat watching, bicycle tours or bird song hikes.

The School-in-the-Woods is in a wooden house near the Buch forest ranger’s office. It is equipped for disabled people and has a seminar room. As a supplement to the lessons, special topics can be agreed upon for the day in the forest.

News education

From cell biology to CRISPR/Cas – new knowledge for schools

The Life Science Learning Lab at the Berlin-Buch research campus offers both school students and teachers the opportunity to immerse themselves in science. This year, the facility celebrates its 25th ...

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What do scientists actually do in the lab?

Grizzly bears in hibernation or a pineapple in an MRI scanner – at the “Science Day” at the “Robert Havemann” high school in Berlin-Karow, researchers from the Max Delbrück Center presented students o...

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Boost for Berlin’s biotech sector

Campus Berlin-Buch has a new start-up center: The BerlinBioCube was ceremonially opened on October 11, 2023 in the presence of the Governing Mayor.

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Events education

10.09.2024, 09:00
From Target to Market - The GLA Biotech & Pharma Summer School

The 4-day intensive course provides a comprehensive overview of the entire drug development process in biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical industry – from the idea to the market.

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12.09.2024, 09:00
Realtime PCR und digital PCR Kurs

Der RealTime PCR und Digital PCR Kurs richtet sich an erfahrene PCR Anwender*innen und an Einsteiger*innen. Wichtige PCR Grundlagen werden erörtert, bevor die RealTime PCR besprochen und Genexpression...

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08.10.2024, 09:00
GMP Biotech Summer School

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Basic Course Biotechnology (English) & ATMPs

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