Living in Buch


More than a hundred years ago the largest hospital city in Europe was erected in Buch. Its remarkable architecture is still characteristic of Buch today. Extensive parks and historicist, almost castle-like buildings draw visitors into their spell.
Today only one of the five areas is used as a hospital campus. On the other sites, unique residential parks are under development.

The residents of Buch appreciate their green and tranquil surroundings. In the summer, families flock to the castle park, which was laid out by a former owner of the Buch estate. A little stream, the Panke, flows through the park, and the adjacent baroque castle church is one of the architectural gems of Berlin.

On the former estate in Berlin-Buch, which is listed as a historical monument, there are studios for Berlin artists, the Restaurant "Zum Speicher", a converted barn for concerts and theater performances and a small hotel. The nearby mall, the Schlosspark-Passage is a pleasant place to shop. The Buch Forest, which belongs to the Barnim Nature Park, is a place of rest and recreation right near by.

Celebrating festivals together and participating in open house days or the Long Night of the Sciences promote close ties between the residents of Buch and the staff of the hospitals and clinics, research institutions and companies (above photo).

Buch offers attractive living conditions, especially for families. Buch has over 30 play areas, most of which are in green inner courtyards and there is plenty parking space.


In the Buch Colony, which was built at the start of the 20th century, there are city villas and detached family houses in quiet locations. The fact that the streets are named after Schmetstorp, Robell and Polnitz is a reflection of Buch's history.
The residential area built in the 1970s for the medical staff of the Buch clinics along the Karower Chausee now belongs to four property companies. The largest of these companies, the HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH, has completed the renovation of 2,300 apartments on the property it owns in Berlin-Buch by 2013.

The "LudwigPark" (photo) and the residential park "Allées des Châteaux" are new residential developments on the former hospital sites that are heritage-listed. Another historical complex is currently being renovated: The Ludwig Hoffmann Quartier will combine residential living, education facilities and commercial space.

Berlin-Buch offers the elderly various forms of residential living and eldercare to fit individual needs: barrier-free apartments, assisted living and nursing homes which offer a program of leisure activities.

News living

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Events living

05.04.2025, 18:00
Konzert world music: Swing mit Fuchs von Zimmer

präsentiert von Kulturkreis Phoenix

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06.04.2025, 14:00
KINDERERZÄHLCAFÈ mit Ellen Luckas: "Das Geschenk des Drachen – Märchen"

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11.04.2025, 17:00
Campus Konzert „Meisterhafte Musik“ mit Nachwuchstalenten der Internationalen Musikakademie

Junge Talente zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren spielen Werke für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier von Beethoven, Chopin, Bruch, Liszt, Elgar und anderen.

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