Feature Stories

Dr. Elisa Kieback and Dr. Elisabeth von Weizsäcker drive "T-knife" forward

Dr. Elisa Kieback and Dr. Elisabeth von Weizsäcker drive "T-knife" forward T-knife Therapeutics is one of the most successful start-ups in the biotech scene. Founded in 2018 as a spin-off of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) with the support of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, its mission is to develop therapies that can combat cancer with the help of patients’ immune systems. Over the course of many years, the research team led by Professor Thomas Blankenstein has worked towards genetically modifying human T cells in such a way that their receptors can target and destroy specific tumor cells. Using this unique technology, the first T-cell receptor gene therapy in Germany is now being tested in a clinical trial.

Maya Niethard, MD and Christian Regenbrecht, PhD collaborate in research on sarcomas

Maya Niethard, MD and Christian Regenbrecht, PhD collaborate in research on sarcomas Sarcomas comprise a relatively rare class of cancers, with about 4,000 new cases in Germany each year. Young people are often affected. At Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch, around 600 patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas are treated every year at the certified Sarcoma Center

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Niendorf and Prof. Dr. Tobias Pischon head the MRI examinations of the GNC

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Niendorf and Prof. Dr. Tobias Pischon head the MRI examinations of the GNC Why do some people get sick while others remain healthy? Which risk factors and protective mechanisms contribute to this? The large-scale German National Cohort (GNC) Health Study makes it possible to investigate in a whole new dimension which

Eileen Bauer and Thomas Krakowiak promote occupational health

Eileen Bauer and Thomas Krakowiak promote occupational health An own prevention and fitness center for the Campus? Regular sports courses and health days on topics such as stress reduction or nutrition? And all of this is supported jointly by the institutions and companies on campus? Since 2016, there has been


DR. LEIF SCHRÖDER AND DR. STEPHAN PRITZ DEVELOP NEW MRI CONTRAST AGENT Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method for diagnosing diseases and monitoring the course of therapy. It produces sectional images of the human body without using harmful radiation. Typically, the water molecules

Professor Thomas Blankenstein and Dr. Martin Vaegler are developing a new cancer treatment

Professor Thomas Blankenstein and Dr. Martin Vaegler are developing a new cancer treatment The human immune system is trained to distinguish between “self” and “non-self” and to destroy foreign structures. By means of anchor molecules (receptors) of T cells, it recognizes antigens of bacteria or viruses and thus can target and

Professor Simone Spuler, MD, and Dr. Stefan Kempa explore rare muscle disorders

Professor Simone Spuler, MD, and Dr. Stefan Kempa explore rare muscle disorders In many cases, it is not yet possible to treat muscle disorders because the causes of muscle loss (dystrophy) have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. This is true for the around 400 genetic muscle diseases, each of which is rare, but also for

Dr. Leif Schröder detects cancer cells with the aid of a noble gas

Dr. Leif Schröder detects cancer cells with the aid of a noble gas To make cancer cells visible for diagnosis, the medical physicist Dr. Leif Schröder uses the same xenon gas for his research that is used in the headlights of modern cars. The brightness factor of the gas plays an important role, and the gas is magnetically altered by laser. In combination with molecules

Assistant Professor Ralf Dechend, MD, and Susann Knöfel help pregnant women with hypertension

Assistant Professor Ralf Dechend, MD, and Susann Knöfel help pregnant women with hypertension In the level 1 perinatal center of HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch, the midwife Susann Knöfel often cares for pregnant women with high blood pressure (hypertension), which may be indicative of a preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, a special form of

Dr. Andreas Eckert founds and finances biotechnology and medical technology companies

Dr. Andreas Eckert founds and finances biotechnology and medical technology companies Dr. Andreas Eckert is not directly involved in research to find cures for diseases, but he has dedicated his career to the life sciences. His objective is to invest in promising companies in the early phase of their development, which he does with

Dr. Ralf Krähmer provides drugs with a protective shield for their journey through the body

Dr. Ralf Krähmer provides drugs with a protective shield for their journey through the body Dr. Ralf Krähmer never thought he would one day found a company in Berlin-Buch. Following his chemistry studies in Leipzig, Dr. Krähmer went to the U.S. for a research stay. From there he went to Switzerland and then on to Berlin, where he for the

Robert Fischer, MD and Dr. Karen Uhlmann are developing a new treatment for atrial fibrillation

Robert Fischer, MD and Dr. Karen Uhlmann are developing a new treatment for atrial fibrillation The prospect that the first clinical trials will lead to the successful treatment of patients inspires and motivates the team of OMEICOS Therapeutics GmbH. All previous data suggest that the scientists and founders have for the first time found a

Nicole Folesky organizes the workflow in 11 university outpatient units of the Charité

Nicole Folesky organizes the workflow in 11 university outpatient units of the Charité Care manager Nicole Folesky organizes the smooth operation of the various university outpatient units on Campus Berlin-Buch – a place where clinical research and basic research are closely intertwined. The university outpatient units are part of

Dr. Annette Isbruch is a specialist in Berlin-Buch for high-risk pregnancies

Dr. Annette Isbruch is a specialist in Berlin-Buch for high-risk pregnancies For Dr. Annette Isbruch, head obstetrician/gynecologist at HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch, perinatology is a family tradition. Her mother worked in the same field as a doctor in the municipal hospital in Berlin-Buch. Since the HELIOS group took over

News living

State-by-state breakdown of COVID-19 in Germany

Researchers at the MDC have developed a new online tool that displays the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in Germany clearly and by individual state. The map and timeline showing the spread of th...

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Events Buch Berlin

21.01.2025, 13:00
Sperrmüll haushaltsnah entsorgen: BSR-Kieztag am 21. Januar in Buch, Bruno-Apitz-Str. 15/17

In Kooperation mit der Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) veranstaltet das Bezirksamt Pankow einen BSR-Kieztag zur mobilen haushaltsnahen Entsorgung von Sperrmüll und anderen Wertstoffen.

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29.01.2025, 16:00
Labor trifft Lehrer*in: "Animal models for mental health disorders"

Online-Kurs für Lehrkräfte mit Hanna Hörnberg (in englischer Sprache)

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29.01.2025, 18:00
Informationsveranstaltung zum Bebauungsplan für das neue Stadtquartier "Buch – Am Sandhaus"

Die Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen hat am 14.11.2024 beschlossen, den Bebauungsplan für das neue Stadtquartier Buch am Sandhaus aufzustellen. Am 29. Januar 2025 findet um 18 U...

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