Max Delbrück Communications Center MDC.C


The Max Delbrück Communications Center (MDC.C) is one of the most modern conference centers in the Berlin region. On a total of four levels there are seminar and lecture rooms, exhibition areas and laboratories which can be rented out. An entry hall on the ground floor offers 600 sq meters of space for larger presentations. The foyer, which is flooded with light, welcomes visitors, and two sets of stairs lead to the central lecture theaters. The large lecture theater seats up to 500 people. The services offered range from the renting of conference rooms to the complete organization of a conference.

News research

Inflammatory messenger fuels Alzheimer’s

Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center have detailed the precise mechanism through which the inflammatory signaling molecule IL-12 contributes to Alzheimer’s...

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Inequality raises disease risk, especially for women

A study led by researchers at the Max Delbrück Center has found that low socioeconomic status raises the risk of cardiovascular disease in women more so than in men. The study underlines the importanc...

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New treatment approach for rare blood cancer of the skin

Researchers from Medical University of Vienna, Charité Berlin and Max Delbrück Center have identified the CD74 protein as a new drug target to treat deadly skin lymphoma. The study was published in th...

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Events Campus

03.04.2025, 09:15
Girls‘ Day am Max Delbrück Center : "IT Girls in der Biomedizin - Was macht eine Informatikerin in der Gesundheitsforschung?"

Wir nehmen Euch für einen Tag mit in unsere Labore! Unsere Azubis, Forscherinnen und IT-Fachfrauen zeigen Euch ihren Berufsalltag und erzählen Euch warum sie ihren Beruf gewählt haben, wie ihr Weg dah...

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11.04.2025, 17:00
Campus Konzert „Meisterhafte Musik“ mit Nachwuchstalenten der Internationalen Musikakademie

Junge Talente zwischen 13 und 17 Jahren spielen Werke für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier von Beethoven, Chopin, Bruch, Liszt, Elgar und anderen.

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29.04.2025, 16:00
Krebsprävention durch Ernährung und körperliche Aktivität: Wie kommen wir zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkenntnissen?

Online-Kurs für Lehrkräfte mit Katharina Nimptsch

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