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Innovation, Patient care / 20.08.2024
Eckert & Ziegler opens new facilities for radiopharmaceutical plant engineering in Dresden

Opening of the new facilities in Dresden
Opening of the new facilities in Dresden

In the presence of the Saxon State Ministers Martin Dulig and Thomas Schmidt as well as the Mayor of Dresden Dirk Hilbert, the medical technology company Eckert & Ziegler today inaugurated its new 1,700 square meter facilities in Dresden with around 200 guests. The Dresden-Rossendorf site produces and delivers high-tech systems for the production of radiopharmaceuticals worldwide and provides services for the handling and disposal of radioactive products in cancer medicine. Eckert & Ziegler is investing up to € 50 million in the expansion of the production site. The new buildings that have now been completed are the basis for the company's further expansion and create the foundation for employement of up to 100 additional highly qualified staff in plant engineering and radiopharmacy in Saxony.

Dr. Gunnar Mann, member of the Group Executive Committee of Eckert & Ziegler SE: "The expansion of our production capacities is the answer to the rapidly growing demand for nuclear medicine compounds for cancer diagnostics and therapy. We currently have around 100 employees at our Rossendorf site, and we want to be able to double this number."

Martin Dulig, Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport of the Free State of Saxony: "The new building is proof of the growing success of Eckert & Ziegler in the region, but also of the fertile conditions that this location offers. The company is now making a further contribution to ensuring that we in Saxony, especially in our state capital and in Radeberg - together with the scientific institutions and the nuclear medicine companies active here and their well over 1,000 employees - are a leading radiopharmaceutical center in Europe!"

Thomas Schmidt, Minister of State for Regional Development of the Free State of Saxony: "Dresden-Rossendorf is becoming a Silicon Valley of radiopharmacy. With the neighboring "Helmholtz-Zentrum", a large number of available specialists, a growing number of companies and an ideal infrastructure for further investments, Saxony has a rapidly developing, highly innovative technology cluster in this field."

Dirk Hilbert, Lord Mayor of the City of Dresden: "Our strategy is the right one. We are investing EUR 6.8 million in the expansion of the Dresden-Rossendorf commercial area in order to make such establishments possible. We are happy that an internationally leading company such as Eckert & Ziegler has chosen Dresden as the location for their expansion. In addition to the semiconductor industry, we are thus setting a further focus on cutting-edge medical and nuclear research.

About Eckert & Ziegler
With over 1,000 employees, Eckert & Ziegler SE is one of the leading providers of isotope technology components for nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. At its locations worldwide, the company offers services and products in the field of radiopharmacy, from early development to commercialization. The Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed on the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.

Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH (ITD), a wholly owned subsidiary of Eckert & Ziegler SE based in Dresden, specializes in plant engineering for handling radioactive materials and offers tailor-made hot cell solutions to international customers in the healthcare sector, industry and research and development facilities.

Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH (GSR), a wholly owned subsidiary of Eckert & Ziegler SE based in Leipzig, specializes in handling and transporting radioactive materials in Germany and abroad.


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