Eileen Bauer and Thomas Krakowiak promote occupational health

An own prevention and fitness center for the Campus? Regular sports courses and health days on topics such as stress reduction or nutrition? And all of this is supported jointly by the institutions and companies on campus? Since 2016, there has been a corresponding model project to establish and build up CampusVital, the Campus's own health management. It is supported and promoted to a large extent by the Techniker Krankenkasse (health insurance company).
Campus Berlin-Buch is green and spacious, predestined for outdoor recreation. In the past, running events and table tennis tournaments were organized, and a fitness trail was created, ideal for taking an active break. But a campus with 3,000 employees can offer much more for health. CampusVital started in autumn 2014 with a gym room and prevention courses. One year later, "Die Wohlfühler" became the operator and expanded the range of sports on offer. The "Health Ticket" for exercise and sports in everyday working life was introduced. The ticket was charged with a credit balance by the employer and the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). CampusVital's approach was successful and served as a blueprint for a nationwide unique model project in cooperation with the TK. Because the need for this became apparent, the operating company of Campus Berlin-Buch began in 2016 to establish a campus-wide health management. Every institution, every company could benefit from this.
Eileen Bauer as sports scientist and trainer has been involved in CampusVital from the very beginning. In the model project she was engaged as a health manager and supported from many sides. The aim was to break new ground, win over research institutions and companies to participate, sound out the needs and create a corresponding offer on campus. This has been achieved in the last two years: In addition to established prevention courses such as yoga or back training, active breaks or coaching for employees and managers have also been offered. Health Days offer regular information and advice on topics such as stress, relaxation and nutrition. On vaccination days, employees not only can be vaccinated but also receive travel medical advice. Thanks to the new CampusVitalCard, which has replaced the Health Ticket, the prevention and fitness studio can be used around the clock. Participation in courses, which are also included, is flexible at all times. Last but not least, competitions contribute to the topic of health: Together with the Max Delbrück Center, Eileen Bauer worked to ensure that the campus could participate in the "Who cycles the most?” competition. The very first time, in 2016, the employees took first place ahead of other major Berlin institutions – a high motivation to repeat their shared sporting experience.
With the TK Lounge on Campus Berlin-Buch, the Technische Krankenkasse has established a new form of on-site consulting as part of the model project. Thomas Krakowiak is responsible for this. He works as a private and company customer consultant in the "Innovation" area of the Techniker Krankenkasse and is regularly present in the TK Lounge on the Berlin-Buch campus. The TK Lounge is the short way for Eileen Bauer to communicate with the Techniker Krankenkasse, obtain support from the cooperation partner or arrange action days. If campus companies need company health measures that go beyond the scope of CampusVital, Thomas Krakowiak can submit specific offers from the Techniker Krankenkasse to the local managing directors. The TK Lounge also complements the welcome service of the research institutions: Here, foreign scientists can inform themselves about the health care system in Germany.
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