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Innovation / 27.03.2025
Eckert & Ziegler: Record year 2024 with new all-time highs

Eckert & Ziegler SE (ISIN DE0005659700, TecDAX) achieved a new record in the 2024 financial year with sales of € 295.8 million based on the preliminary annual financial statements*. Compared to the previous year, sales increased by almost € 50 million (+20%). EBIT before special items from continuing operations (adjusted EBIT) rose by around € 19.0 million to € 65.9 million (+40%) compared to the previous year. Net income increased by € 7.0 million (+27%) to € 33.3 million, corresponding to earnings per share of € 1.60.

In the Medical segment, sales increased by € 33.2 million (+29%) to € 148.4 million. The growth in sales was driven in particular by strong demand in radiopharmaceuticals.

The Isotope Products segment generated sales of € 147.5 million, an increase of € 16.6 million (+13%) compared to the previous year. This rise is attributable to both annual price adjustments and volume effects.

For the 2025 financial year, the Executive Board expects sales of around € 320 million and EBIT from continuing operations before special items (adjusted EBIT) of around € 78 million. The forecast is based on a weighted average exchange rate of USD 1.05 per euro.

* The presentation of the final audited and approved annual financial statements will follow a few days later, solely due to the outstanding technical ESEF tagging, which will take additional time due to the cyber-attack in February 2025. The Executive Board's proposal on the appropriation of the net profit and a corresponding resolution by the Supervisory Board will be made promptly and in the context of the Supervisory Board's balance sheet meeting on the annual financial statements for the 2024 financial year.

The preliminary 2024 financial statements can be found here:

About Eckert & Ziegler.
Eckert & Ziegler SE with more than 1.000 employees is a leading specialist for isotope-related components in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
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