
Ihre Auswahl

forschen, produzieren, heilen / 21.02.2024
Talk im Cube: Female Entrepreneurship - A Panel Discussion (in English)

Foto: Peter Himsel
Foto: Peter Himsel

Second edition in March 2024

The next "Talk im Cube" of the Gläsernes Labor Akademie (GLA) will take place on

Thursday, March 14, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

"Female Entrepreneurship" -  A Panel Discussion (in English) 
Anthea Wirges, CARTemis Therapeutics GmbH
Elisa Kieback, t-knife GmbH
Lucile Bonnin, Cambrium GmbH
Merle Fuchs, Pramomolecular GmbH
Petya Jordan, Postdoc Center Adlershof, HU Berlin
Stefanie Reichelt, Carbon 13  & University of Cambridge (Moderation) 

In Germany only about 20 percent of start-ups are founded by women. Despite progress, women still face numerous hurdles and prejudices when venturing into entrepreneurship. Successful female founders from the Campus Berlin-Buch share their experiences, how they have been able to move from thriving research backgrounds into the world of successful Life Science Entrepreneurship.

•             What experiences have these entrepreneurs gained?
•             What support have they received and from whom?
•             Are there specific recommendations that can benefit other female founders?
•             Last but not least: What advantages – or challenges – do these women see when contemplating their own entrepreneurial journey?

Dr. Stefanie Reichelt, with over 20 years of experience as a scientist and coach in the UK start-up scene and climate entrepreneurship (Carbon13), will engage in conversation with

  • Dr. Anthea Wirges, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder at CARTemis Therapeutics GmbH, a spin-off from the Max Delbrück Center that wants to use novel CAR T-cell therapies to help patients with cancers that are currently untreatable,
  • Dr. Elisa Kieback, CTO and co-founder at t-knife Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company located on the Campus Berlin-Buch dedicated to developing novel therapeutics to fight cancer, initially focused on T cell receptor (TCR) engineered T cell therapies (TCR-Ts),
  • Dr. Lucile Bonnin, Cambrium GmbH Head of Research & Development at Cambrium,  a next-generation materials company utilizing the molecular programmability of proteins to  create new, sustainable products,
  • Dr. Merle Fuchs, CEO and Co-Founder at Pramomolecular, a spin-off from the TU Berlin developing  an innovative class of drugs that can efficiently down-regulate disease-causing proteins,
  • Dr. Petya Jordan, Coordinator PostDoc Center Adlershof at the Humboldt University of Berlin supports postdocs in their career development, both individually and as groups.

Be part of this inspiring conversation and be inspired by the experiences and insights of successful women in entrepreneurship. Feminine entrepreneurship – a discussion that sparks inspiration and paves the way for future women entrepreneurs.

Followed by Get together and Networking over snacks and drinks.

Other topics planned for this year:
- Drug approvals in oncology - a critical assessment (11 April 2024) 
- Sustainability in the laboratory 4.0 (May 2024) 
- The journey of company... "Founder stories" 
- Team 4.0 - Networked working in biotechnology  
- Life Science Marketing: A potential way of scientist to promote their products 
- CROs in diagnostics and therapeutics development

With the new event series "Talk im Cube", we want to bring business and science together on the Berlin-Buch campus and connect founders of start-ups or life science companies with scientists, e.g. from the Max Delbrück Center, FMP, Charité and BIH.
We invite experts on business topics or trends in the life sciences and highlight every month aspects such as 
- What innovations are there in the start-ups and who is driving them forward? 
- How does the life science business world work and where can synergies with science be created?
- How does the "networked laboratory" work and how do you live "sustainability in the laboratory"? 

Target audience 
Founders & scientists from start-ups, small and medium-sized life science companies and scientific institutions

Participation is free of charge.
Registration through this website clicking "Verbindlich Buchen" is requested.

BerlinBioCube (D95), Campus Berlin-Buch, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin

Further information: 
Uwe Lohmeier 

Quelle: Gläsernes Labor Akademie
Please register here

Quelle: Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH

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